“Our people must learn to do good by meeting the urgent needs of others; then they will not be unproductive” (Titus 3:14 NLT).

As Paul gave Titus final instructions on supplying the needs of visiting ministers before sending them on their way, he gave this instruction concerning a believer’s readiness to help those with “urgent needs.” In Paul’s day, there were no civil emergency workers, no firefighters, no paramedics, and no 911 to call. The members of the early church learned to be ready to help with urgent needs. It was this combination of the gospel message and gospel compassion that turned the world upside down and increased the spread of the gospel. When plagues, persecutions, wars, famines or even hurricanes came, the gospel was carried in the same hands that carried help for those in need.

In this day of tight schedules and busy-ness, are we learning to devote ourselves to this kind of readiness to help those with an “urgent need?” Our readiness to help is often the key to their readiness to hear. People are more likely to hear the Good News when it is offered with a helping hand.

PRAYER: Dear Father, strengthen us to be productive in Your work. Not earning, but pouring out what You have given us freely. Help us not to become weary in doing good, trusting You with the results. In Jesus’ name, amen.