“I am the God of Bethel, where you anointed the pillar and where you made a vow to Me. Now arise, get out of this land, and return to the land of your family” (Genesis 31:13 NKJV).


Jacob had arrived in Haran empty-handed, but now he had wives, many children and flocks of sheep, goats and camels. The Lord had made him wealthy. Yet, he was fearful for his life, for his father-in-law and his sons were jealous of Jacob and were beginning to accuse him of being a thief. He was worried.
That night as he slept the Lord spoke to him in a dream and reminded him of a previous time years ago when Jacob was apprehensive about traveling to Haran to get a wife. He had no riches to offer in payment, only his body to work for it and his heritage as a grandson of Abraham and Sarah to win a wife from his own tribe.
At that time, Jacob had become tired on the way and lay down to sleep with his head on a rock as his pillow, when he had a vision of a ladder between heaven and earth with angels ascending and descending upon it (See Gen. 28:10-22). There the Lord spoke to Him, promising to keep him and bring him back to that very place. When Jacob arose, he set that rock up as a pillar to the Lord and called the place “Bethel,” which means “house of God.”
Now years later, the Lord reminded Jacob of that night, referring to Himself as the “God of Bethel.” In this way, Jacob was once again encouraged in the midst of his anxiety about the future.
The Lord often has us look back to a time when we clearly heard from Him in order to remind us of His faithfulness and to encourage us to move into the future trusting in Him fully. When you look back, do you see those places and times when you were afraid, yet God brought you through? Think back. The God of Bethel who was with you then, is still with you now. Remember the pillar moments you’ve had with God.
PRAYER: Dear Father, thank You that on those dark nights when we feel all alone, You are with us. Help us to remember Your faithfulness in the past and not forget. Strengthen us to move into the future with confident faith in Your presence and provision. In Jesus’ name, amen.