“In my first book I told you, Theophilus, about everything Jesus began to do and teach” (Acts 1:1 NLT).


Luke’s second book, The Acts of the Apostles, picks up where his gospel left off. Luke was a physician and a traveling companion of the apostle Paul. He wrote an “orderly account” (Luke 1:3) of what Jesus “began to do and teach” in his first book. In his second book, he wrote about the acts and words of the apostles after the ascension of Christ. His primary focus in the book of Acts was on two of the apostles, namely, Simon Peter and Paul.
Luke addressed both of his books to a man named, Theophilus, whose Greek name means “loved by God” or “friend of God.” Some have suggested that Theophilus was the benefactor for Luke’s two volumes, paying for their publication and distribution. Others take note that since Luke referred to him with the honorific, “most excellent Theophilus,” in his gospel, that he must have been a Roman official or leader.
The truth is no one knows the identity of Theophilus because nothing further is written about him in the Scriptures. But we can know this: The two books written by Luke were written to all those who are “loved by God.”
PRAYER: Dear Father, we thank You for the books You inspired Luke to write for us. For the gospel of Jesus and how it was first carried forth to the world are contained in his writings. Strengthen us this day to continue telling others how much they are loved by You. In Jesus’ name, amen.