“For you know how, like a father with his children, we exhorted each one of you and encouraged you and charged you to walk in a manner worthy of God” (1 Thessalonians 2:11-12 ESV).

Making disciples is a relational endeavor. The apostle Paul illustrated this by how he related to his flock in Thessalonica as a “father with his children.” Depending on the Spirit’s guidance, he used all manner of approaches according to their need and their level of maturity.

Some he “exhorted,” coming beside them to call them out for correction. Some he “encouraged,” using a personal touch to comfort and console those who were weak. Others he “charged,” reminding them of their identity in Christ and bearing witness to them of God’s upward calling. For disciple-making is not a one-size-fits-all affair. The discipler must really get to know the disciple in order to train them in the way they should go.

Making disciples is our calling as believers. Not in an institutional way, but life on life, like a mother or a father with their children. Have you been discipled? Are you actively involved in making disciples of Jesus Christ?

PRAYER: Dear Father, we yield ourselves afresh for Your work in us, bringing us to maturity in Christ. Strengthen us to make disciples as our Lord Jesus has commanded, knowing that obedience to make disciples is necessary for our spiritual growth. In Jesus’ name, amen.