Men may break their covenants, but God never will. He is a promise-making and a promise-keeping God. The covenant spoken of here is not the one made at Sinai, but the covenant of grace made with Christ. For the Lord is speaking here through the psalmist, describing the new covenant to be revealed in Jesus, the Son of David, the Son of God. This is an unconditional covenant, not based on our condition, but on God’s sworn testimony by His own holiness. Therefore, not only will He not break it, He will not alter it in any way, neither adding nor subtracting, nor failing to keep even one detail of it.
We who have trusted Jesus as our Lord and Savior have entered into this new covenant. As Jesus told His disciples as the sat together at the last supper, “For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins” (Matt. 26:28). This new covenant is based on Christ’s holiness, not ours. At the cross Christ took our sin and offers His righteousness. He took our death and offers His eternal life. He took our separation from the Father and offers His sonship.
What is our part? To trust in Jesus, the Mediator of God’s new covenant. When we trust in Him, know this: God will not ever break His covenant with us. It is based on His holiness, not ours.
PRAYER: Dear Father, centuries before our birth, You prepared a way for our salvation through Jesus. We are amazed! Thank You for this great and wonderful new covenant. We are weak and we often break our own word, but You never break Your Word. Therefore we rely on Your Word and Your new covenant in Jesus for our salvation. We rest in this promise from You, knowing that You will always keep it and us, forever. In Jesus’ name, amen.