“O Lord, God of my salvation, I cry out to you by day. I come to you at night. Now hear my prayer; listen to my cry” (Psalm 88:1-2 NLT).


The Lord is the God of salvation. Yet it is by placing our faith in His Son, Christ Jesus, that we are able to call Him “my” salvation. In Christ, we that were far away, have now been brought near. Although we may feel at times as the psalmist did, that our prayers go unheard and our tears unnoticed, we can be confident of our access to the Father through the Son. For all the rights and privileges of sonship are ours in Christ Jesus.

Therefore, press on in prayer. The Lord hears. The Lord sees. He may be teaching us to desire Him more by allowing us to grow in persistent prayer.

PRAYER: Dear Father, we know that You always hear our prayers, but we sometimes feel that You are distant. We can’t tell whether You are listening. Give us a sense of Your presence today. Let us know that You have heard us. Do not make us wait too long. For we long for You and desire to hear Your voice. In Jesus’ name, amen.