June 18, 2022
BEWARE THE VALLEY THAT FOLLOWS THE MOUNTAIN TOP Elijah, in the power of the Spirit, called fire down from heaven and defeated the 450 prophets of Baal. He called on God to break a 3-year drought and the rains came pouring down. He pulled up his robe and outran King Ahab’s chariot in sandaled feet.
June 17, 2022
RUNNING LIFE’S RACE WITH GOD’S STRENGTH After using Elijah to defeat the prophets of Baal in a fire from heaven contest, and sending rain in response to the prophet’s prayer, the Lord strengthened Elijah to outrun Ahab’s chariot. Some have suggested that he ran the 16 miles from Mount Carmel to Jezreel before the king’s
June 16, 2022
MOBILIZED FOR MISSION The apostle Peter told the Roman centurion named Cornelius that Jesus had ordered the apostles to “preach and testify that Jesus is the one.” He was appointed by God to be the “judge of all” and everyone who believes in Him will be forgiven their sins. Hearing this message, Cornelius and his
June 15, 2022
BEING LED BY THE SPIRIT IN SPREADING THE GOSPEL Around noon, the apostle Peter went up onto the roof of the house he was visiting to pray. Morning, midday, and evening prayers were his habit. On this day, the Lord gave Peter a thrice-repeated vision that prepared him to meet with the men that would
June 14, 2022
A SEASON OF PEACE, STRENGTH, AND GROWTH FOR THE CHURCH Previously, a “great wave of persecution” (Acts 8:1) had swept through the church at Jerusalem. It began with the stoning of Stephen and continued until the believers were scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria. Yet, following this season of persecution, there came a
June 13, 2022
HOW WILL GROWING OLD AFFECT YOUR FAITHFULNESS TO GOD? Solomon began his reign as king of Israel well. He was devoted to the Lord and his father David’s faithful example. Yet, as he grew older, prosperity and his love of foreign women began to turn his head. He not only allowed them to worship foreign
June 12, 2022
CHRIST IS THE SUBJECT AND STANDARD OF SCRIPTURE When the Ethiopian eunuch asked Philip about the identity of the subject in Isaiah 53, he “told him the Good News about Jesus.” For the eunuch had turned to where Isaiah wrote, “He was led like a sheep to the slaughter. And as a lamb is silent
June 11, 2022
PEACE IS BETTER THAN PROSPERITY If there is discord in your house, money won’t fix it. All the feasting and fancy things won’t mean anything when there is constant conflict. Couples think financial problems are the source of their marital woes, but poor communication and lack of forgiveness are nearly always at the root.
June 10, 2022
GRAY HAIR BY ITSELF IS NO CROWN Solomon wrote during an age when elders were honored and gray hair was considered a crown. But Solomon made clear that age alone was not sufficient for such glory. For without righteousness, the elderly are perhaps even more “laden with iniquity” (Gill) than the young. For they have
June 9, 2022
THE MAKING OF MOSES In Stephen’s defense before the Jewish high council, he spoke of God’s preparation of Moses as Israel’s deliverer. Moses lived forty years as a prince of Egypt. Adopted by the Pharoah’s sister and raised as her own son, Moses was given a royal education. Yet, after fleeing Egypt and living forty