May 9, 2022
GOD WILL NOT SHARE HIS WORSHIP WITH ANOTHER The Philistines had defeated the Israelites in battle and had captured the Ark of the Lord. They assumed that the Ark would make a nice addition to their temple to Dagon, so they placed it next to the idol of Dagon. The Philistines had been a
May 8, 2022
HAVE YOU LEARNED TO LISTEN FOR GOD’S VOICE? While young Samuel was sleeping in the Tabernacle he was awakened a fourth time by the voice of the Lord calling him. The first three times he ran to Eli, thinking the old priest was calling him. He didn’t yet recognize God’s voice. After the third time,
May 7, 2022
HANNAH, A GODLY EXAMPLE OF MOTHERHOOD Hannah was barren. At her family’s annual visit to the Tabernacle at Shiloh to worship and bring offerings, she was so stricken with grief that she could only mouth the words to her prayers. Her lips moved, but no sound came forth. She cried out from her heart that
May 6, 2022
FAITH AND FAMILY When the nobleman from Capernaum came to Jesus, begging Him to come to heal his dying son, Jesus said, “Go your way, your son lives.” The man believed the word of Jesus and went his way. As he was going, his servants met him saying, “Your son lives!” When he asked the
May 5, 2022
THE WITNESS OF WORSHIP This is a call to both worship and witness. We might even say that it is a call to the kind of worship that is in itself a witness to the peoples of the world. The psalmist called the people of Israel to begin their worship with thanks to the
May 4, 2022
REVIVAL WILL TAKE COLLABORATION NOT COMPETITION John the Baptist’s followers worried that more people were following Jesus than John. When John heard them saying this, he rebuked them. He recognized that God determined spiritual results. And he also understood that his ministry was to prepare the way for Christ’s ministry. As John said referring to
May 3, 2022
MANMADE RELIGION DOES NOT PLEASE GOD What a convoluted story this is! It begins with Micah’s confession that he had taken 1,100 shekels of silver from his mother, who had consequently put a curse on whomever had stolen it. When his mother heard his confession, she blessed him, and told him that she had dedicated
May 2, 2022
DO YOU SEEK THE SIGNS OR THE SAVIOR? This was the first of seven “signs” that the apostle John recorded in his gospel. John calls them signs and not miracles because signs point to something other than themselves. On a trip a few years ago to see the Grand Canyon, I noticed “Grand Canyon”
May 1, 2022
A PRAYER FOR ONE OVERWHELMED WITH TROUBLE The inscription above this psalm describes it as a “prayer of one overwhelmed with trouble.” Certainly, there is a need for concrete language to truly capture the condition of such a one. The hurting are in need of words of expression that they might lift up to the
April 30, 2022
THE ONE WHO CAME AFTER YET LONG BEFORE John the Baptist was born three months before Jesus (see Luke 1:36). So, in that sense, Jesus came “after” John. Yet the Spirit had revealed to John that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God, therefore He had existed “long before” John and had preference or