“Now that the land was under Israelite control, the entire community of Israel gathered at Shiloh and set up the Tabernacle” (Joshua 18:1 NLT).

April 18, 2022

HAVE YOU JOINED THE GATHERING AT SHILOH? “Shiloh” was a town located in the land of Ephraim where Joshua had the Tabernacle set up. Shiloh was the home for the Tabernacle from the time of Israel’s conquest of the Promised Land until the time of Eli’s wicked sons as recorded in 1 Samuel.   The

“But on the third day he will rise again” (Luke 18:33 NLT).

April 17, 2022

HE HAS RISEN JUST AS HE SAID Jesus told His disciples that they were going up to Jerusalem where the prophecies concerning His death and resurrection would be fulfilled. He had told them this on many occasions, but now the time was near. Yet, His disciples didn’t seem to understand.   Jesus had spoken of

“I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” (Luke 18:17 NLT).

April 16, 2022

THE NECESSITY OF CHILDLIKE FAITH After Jesus rebuked his disciples for preventing parents from bringing their children to be blessed by Him, He gave this spiritual principle concerning the kingdom of God. Those who would desire entrance into the kingdom must first receive it “like a child.”   These questions arise: How does a child

“But first the Son of Man must suffer terribly and be rejected by this generation” (Luke 17:25 NLT).

April 15, 2022

CHRIST KNEW HE MUST BE CRUCIFIED AND REJECTED When Jesus was asked when the kingdom of God would come, He told His disciples that an important event “must” precede its coming. What was this event? It was His crucifixion and rejection.   Jesus knew why He came. He came to die, so that we might

“So the sun stood still and the moon stayed in place until the nation of Israel had defeated its enemies” (Joshua 10:13 NLT).

April 14, 2022

HOW BIG IS YOUR GOD? Joshua, with all Israel bearing witness, called out, asking God to cause the sun and the moon to “stand still” until he defeated the Amorites. And the Lord answered his prayer. With our modern scientific knowledge, we understand the insane nature of Joshua’s request. Joshua didn’t know about gravity, the

“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities” (Luke 16:10 NLT).

April 13, 2022

ARE YOU FAITHFUL IN THE LITTLE THINGS? People are often heard saying, “If I had more, I’d start giving, but I’m just too broke to give right now.” Yet, Jesus taught that faithfulness in large things begins with faithfulness in little things. Stop waiting for a better job, more money, a bigger house, or a

“For this son of mine was dead and has now returned to life” (Luke 15:24 NLT).

April 12, 2022

THE SON IS ALIVE AGAIN Jesus told a parable about a father and two sons. The younger one was rebellious and took his portion of his father’s wealth and squandered it in riotous living. When his money had run out, a famine came, and he took a job feeding pigs. He was so hungry that

“For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted” (Luke 14:11 NLT).

April 11, 2022

THE LOST ART OF HUMILITY Jesus taught this timeless spiritual principle promoting humility over self-promotion. He illustrated the principle with a parable concerning seat selection at a wedding banquet. He observed that it would be better to take a “lowly” seat at the table and have the master elevate you to a better one, than

“And she sent them on their way, leaving the scarlet rope hanging from the window” (Joshua 2:21 NLT).

April 10, 2022

THE SCARLET ROPE Rahab, the Jericho harlot, hid the Israelite spies whom Joshua had sent to reconnoiter the city. After making an amazing confession of faith in the Lord, she made a deal with the spies that she would hide them in return for protecting her family when the Lord gave the city over to

“Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up” (Proverbs 12:25 NLT).

April 9, 2022

THE POWER OF AN ENCOURAGING WORD Here we have another practical proverb given through Solomon. It has to do with the power of words and the effect they have on the hearer.   Consider your words. Are they like a pressure cooker or a pressure release for others? When you see someone struggling with anxiety,