“Give the following instructions to the people of Israel. These are the Lord’s appointed festivals” (Leviticus 23:2 NLT).

February 28, 2022

HOW THE JEWISH FESTIVALS POINT TO JESUS The Lord instituted seven “festivals,” or feasts for Israel. These feasts were to remind Israel of God’s provision and to prepare them for the Messiah. It can get a little overwhelming reading the description of these feasts, but they are worthy of our meditation as we see how

“I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24 NLT).

February 27, 2022

OVERCOMING OUR DOUBTS This is the confession of a man who desperately wanted to believe, but still had doubts. This doesn’t sound like the greatest of confessions, yet Jesus healed the man’s son nonetheless. Jesus still answers the prayers of those who have a mixture of doubt and belief. The important thing is to confess

“Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again—my Savior and my God!” (Psalm 42:5 NLT).

February 26, 2022

HOW DO YOU HANDLE DISCOURAGEMENT? Many tend to wallow or spiral down deeper into despair when facing sadness and discouragement. But David knew how to “encourage himself in the Lord” (1 Sam. 30:6). This psalm illustrates his method.   When he felt down or out of sorts, he didn’t just drag on, he stopped and

“So obey my instructions, and do not defile yourselves by committing any of these detestable practices that were committed by the people who lived in the land before you. I am the Lord your God” (Leviticus 18:30 NLT).

February 25, 2022

OUR SEXUAL PURITY MATTERS TO GOD Leviticus 18:1-30 essentially expands on the 7th commandment, which is “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” (Ex. 20:14). Much of the book of Leviticus is just that, an expansion on the Ten Commandments, so that Israel could see the specific application of each commandment.   In answer to the question,

“Warn your brother, Aaron, not to enter the Most Holy Place behind the inner curtain whenever he chooses; if he does, he will die” (Leviticus 16:2 NLT).

February 24, 2022

OUR ACCESS TO THE FATHER THROUGH CHRIST JESUS The Lord told Moses to tell his brother, Aaron, that even though he was the high priest, he was not allowed to enter the Holy Place “whenever” he wanted. The Holy Place, or the Holy of Holies, was the inner room behind the veil that contained the

“After telling everyone good-bye, he went up into the hills by himself to pray” (Mark 6:46 NLT).

February 23, 2022

DO YOU GET ALONE TO PRAY? After a long day filled with teaching and miraculously feeding the 5,000, Jesus insisted that His disciples go on ahead while He went up into the hills to pray. Jesus wanted some time alone to talk to His Father. For the Son did “nothing of Himself” (John 5:19). Everything

“And He was amazed at their unbelief.” (Mark 6:6 NLT).

February 22, 2022

FAMILIARITY IS NOT FAITH When Jesus began teaching and performing miracles in His hometown of Nazareth, “He was amazed at their unbelief.” Can you imagine that? That the Son of God was “amazed” at the lack of faith He saw in the very neighbors that should have known Him best? Turns out they knew a

“Then Jesus stopped the crowd and wouldn’t let anyone go with him except Peter, James, and John” (Mark 5:37 NLT).

February 21, 2022

CHRIST’S METHOD OF LIFE-ON-LIFE DISCIPLESHIP When Jesus went into the home of the synagogue ruler whose daughter had died, He only permitted three of the Twelve to follow inside. Peter, James and John were often singled out for such occasions. They were witnesses on that day of Jesus raising the synagogue ruler’s daughter up from

“So the man started off to visit the Ten Towns of that region and began to proclaim the great things Jesus had done for him; and everyone was amazed at what he told them” (Mark 5:20 NLT).

February 20, 2022

THE POWER OF ONE WITNESS In the region of the Gerasenes, on the Eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee, Jesus encountered a man who was beset by a “legion” of unclean spirits. He commanded them to leave and the man was restored to his right mind. Afterwards, the man wanted to go with Jesus,

“The seed that fell among the thorns represents others who hear God’s word, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the worries of this life, the lure of wealth, and the desire for other things, so no fruit is produced.” (Mark 4:18-19 NLT).

February 19, 2022

THE THORNY SOIL OF THE AMERICAN HEART Jesus told a parable about a sower who sowed seed that fell on four types of soil. Some seed fell on a path, some in rocky soil, some fell in soil overgrown with thorns and some fell on good soil. Jesus later explained the parable to His disciples.