February 8, 2022
DO YOU LOVE THE LEAST OF THESE? Jesus’ teaching on the end times included this image of the righteous being commended for caring for the “least of these.” Jesus equated their care for the hungry, sick and imprisoned as caring for Him. For the Church is His body of which He is the Head.
February 7, 2022
ARE YOU READY FOR CHRIST’S RETURN? It appears that the parable of the ten virgins was given by Jesus to his disciples in a private setting, as a further illustration of what the Day of his return would be like. As such, this parable seems particularly aimed at the state of the church at Christ’s
February 6, 2022
GOD SPOKE AND MEN WROTE The first five books of the Bible were written by Moses under God’s inspiration. This is how the Bible came to be: God spoke and men wrote. Paradoxically both fully human and fully divine. The Bible contains sixty-six books written by over forty God-inspired human authors of various cultures and
February 5, 2022
HOW DO YOU TREAT FOREIGNERS? God inspired Moses to write this instruction, including an appeal to the memories of the Israelites. Namely, that they should remember how it felt to be oppressed as foreigners in Egypt. This injunction has at least two motivating factors: First, obey because God said so, and second, obey because you
February 4, 2022
THE WORD THAT SATISFIES THE TEN WORDS Did you know that God actually spoke the Ten Commandments aloud from Mount Sinai for all the Israelites to hear? Before God wrote the Decalogue down onto stone tablets, He actually spoke them aloud from Mount Sinai for all the Israelites to hear. A literal translation of the
February 3, 2022
THE ONE WHO SPEAKS TO OUR HEARTS It is the Spirit of the Lord that pursues us. He whispers to our hearts to “come and talk” with Him. He is the one who first seeks us, so that now our hearts seek Him in return. Those who don’t know the Lord may seek His
February 2, 2022
WHY TAKE NOTE OF NUMBERS IN GOD’S WORD? As they traveled on, the Israelites came to Elim, an oasis located along the Eastern side of the Red Sea near the desert of Sin. It must have been a wonderful sight for the weary travelers as they saw twelve springs and a grove of seventy palm
February 1, 2022
DOES IT SEEM GOD LED YOU THE LONG WAY AROUND? Why did God lead the Israelites the long way around to the Promised Land? He wanted to give them time to grow in their faith before facing warfare with the Philistines. God led them like a coach preparing an athlete for a contest. He put
January 31, 2022
JESUS, OUR PASSOVER LAMB Among the many instructions God gave Moses concerning the Passover Lamb was that it must be a male without blemish and that they were not to “break any of its bones” in sacrificing it. God was preparing the Israelites not only for their deliverance from slavery in Egypt, but ultimately for
January 30, 2022
THE SERVANT-LEADERSHIP MODEL OF JESUS When the mother of James and John came to Jesus asking that He give them significant leadership roles in His coming kingdom, He didn’t rebuke them. Instead, He asked whether they were able to “drink from the bitter cup of suffering” that He was about to drink. He wanted them