January 29, 2022
DO YOU SEE YOURSELF AS OWNER OR STEWARD? This Davidic psalm begins with an announcement of God’s ownership of everything and everyone. Believing that God is owner and that we are stewards, servants of God caring for His creation, is a life-changing principle. Many Christians claim to believe this, yet they behave as if their
January 28, 2022
WHAT IS THE FORMULA FOR FORGIVENESS? Peter asked Jesus how many times he should forgive a brother, maybe “seven times?”. Jesus answered, “Up to seventy times seven.” This was another way of saying that Peter should forgive as often as needed. To further help Peter understand, Jesus told a parable. A parable is the use
January 27, 2022
DESCENDING TO GREATNESS The disciples were constantly debating among themselves the question of who would be the greatest when Jesus came into His kingdom. They finally asked Jesus. He answered by calling a little child over to Him and saying that unless they repented of their sins and became as this child they wouldn’t even
January 26, 2022
OUR SAVIOR PIERCED FOR US This Davidic psalm began with the question, “My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?” (Psa. 22:1). These are the very words Jesus cried out from the cross. David wrote this psalm with his own feeling, yet I wonder how much awareness he had that he was describing the
January 25, 2022
WHO IS JESUS TO YOU? Jesus asked His disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” Jesus often used the Messianic title, “Son of Man,” in referring to Himself. The disciples answered, “Some say John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, or one of the other prophets.” Then Jesus asked them the most important
January 24, 2022
THE SIGN OF JONAH The Pharisees and the Sadducees came to Jesus asking for a sign to prove His authority. He wondered aloud that they could read the signs in the sky to predict the weather, but were not able to read the signs of the times. In other words, they could tell when it
January 23, 2022
YOUR WORDS REVEAL YOUR HEART The Pharisees asked Jesus why His disciples didn’t follow the tradition of the elders by washing their hands before eating. He replied that it isn’t what goes into the mouth that defiles a man, but what comes out. The word “defile,” means to make unclean or impure. Jesus pointed
January 22, 2022
THE COMPASSIONATE CHRIST After Jesus heard about the beheading of His relative, John the Baptist, He withdrew by boat to a remote place to be alone. However, as soon as He stepped ashore, He saw a huge crowd waiting for Him. Can you imagine His grief? Can you understand His desire for solitude and
January 21, 2022
FAMILIARITY CAN BREED CONTEMPT The people of Nazareth were offended at the authority of Jesus’ teachings because of their familiarity with him. They knew his family. They had seen him grow up. “Who does he think he is coming back home preaching to us?” They thought. Two ways we might relate to this passage:
January 20, 2022
GIVING ALL, GAINING EVERYTHING! One of Christ’s many kingdom parables, this one emphasizes the willingness of one to give up everything in this world in order to have the kingdom of heaven. The value of the kingdom is “hidden” to most, yet revealed to those who discover its treasure. Others probably thought the man foolish