October 17, 2021
WHAT GOD WANTS God desires that all humanity would be saved. Yet, we know from the Scriptures that only those who believe will receive God’s salvation. The tension between what God “wants” and what we choose is difficult to ease. We tend to overstate one side or the other, either making too little or too
October 16, 2021
DO YOUR PRAYERS FIND THEIR WAY TO THE LORD? The prophet Jeremiah sent a letter of hope to the Jewish exiles in Babylon. He gave them this message from the Lord, assuring them that the Lord had not forsaken them, nor had He stopped hearing their prayers. If only they would seek Him with all
October 15, 2021
CAN YOU HAVE TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING? Solomon pondered the question, “Can you ever have too much of a good thing?” In short, his answer was in the affirmative. He advised that you should practice moderation, eating “only what you need,” so that you won’t make yourself sick. But we have a
October 14, 2021
GET A GRIP ON GOD’S WORD Paul told the Thessalonian believers to “stand firm” and to keep a “strong grip” on the Word of God that he had taught them. Standing firm on God’s Word we build our life on its gospel truth and instruction. Keeping a strong grip on the Word, we cling to
October 13, 2021
DO YOU WRITE IN YOUR BIBLE? The Lord warned that many so-called prophets had not really heard and studied God’s Word. But Jeremiah was God’s man. He stood in the Lord’s counsel and marked His word and preached it as he heard it. Do you mark God’s Word? Do you take note of what
October 12, 2021
DO YOU APPRECIATE YOUR PASTORS AND SPIRITUAL LEADERS? The apostle Paul instructed the Thessalonian believers to “give recognition” to those who are leaders in the Lord’s work. The word “recognition” means to show honor and appropriate respect, recognizing their worth and giving them what they are worth. In Greek, the word “honor” also implies financial
October 11, 2021
WE GRIEVE BUT NOT WITHOUT HOPE The apostle Paul described believers who had died as having “fallen asleep” in Jesus. For them death is like sleep, a transitional state where one closes his eyes in this world and opens them in the next. Having given the Thessalonians this description, Paul encouraged them not to “grieve
October 10, 2021
FACE TO FACE DISCIPLESHIP The apostle Paul wrote his first letter to the new believers at Thessalonica after hearing Timothy’s report concerning them. He was working in Athens when he felt compelled to send Timothy back to check on them. When Timothy returned to him with his great report of their continued faith in the
October 9, 2021
WORSHIP IS WAR! The apostle Paul commended the Thessalonian believers for turning from idolatry to the worship of the true and living God. They did this by receiving the message of the Gospel with joy, so that they gladly placed their faith in Christ as Lord and Savior. We think that we are too modern
October 8, 2021
DO YOU MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR TIME WITH OTHERS? Live with godly wisdom toward those who are outside the faith. Let them see Christ in you. Remember that you were once an “outsider” too, but Christ has brought you near. Season your conversation with grace, asking the Spirit to give you wisdom on how