December 11, 2021
WHO IS THIS ONE WHO MADE AND SUSTAINS ALL THINGS? The Lord is not an absentee creator. He is not merely a celestial clockmaker who fashioned the universe, wound it up and watches time pass from a distance. No, the Lord was active in making all things and continues to sustain all things. He made
December 10, 2021
DOES JESUS HAVE YOUR FIRST LOVE? John’s revelation began with seven letters from Jesus to seven churches. Each letter mentioned something specific to the city in which the church was located. Most of the letters began with a commendation followed by a correction. This was the case with the first letter, which was written to
December 9, 2021
TIME TO TURN TO GOD Writing in the 9th century BC, the prophet Joel opened his book with warnings concerning a plague of locusts. He warned that the locusts were only a small thing compared to the coming Day of the Lord. He encouraged God’s people to repent while there was still time. This
December 8, 2021
A BEAUTIFUL TRINITARIAN INSTRUCTION Jude gave this beautiful trinitarian instruction to believers, in contrast, to his warning against those who were creating divisions in the church. Notice his instruction begins with “But you, dear friends.” He was talking to those who have the Spirit. Not those troublemakers who did not have the Spirit, evidenced by
December 7, 2021
HOW TO BE A GOSPEL COWORKER The apostle John was one of the last living apostles at the time he wrote this letter to his friend, Gaius. John was probably the youngest of Christ’s Twelve, but now he calls himself “the elder” in his opening address. His sweet demeanor remains, but he has little time
December 6, 2021
IMMANUEL, GOD WITH US, SURROUNDING US Psalm 125 is one of the 15 “psalms of ascent,” written to prepare the hearts of worshipers as they climbed up to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Entourages of pilgrims like the one that traveled from Nazareth with young, 12-year-old Jesus, would have sung these songs as they came
December 5, 2021
THE CONFIDENCE WE HAVE IN CHRIST Because we are in Christ we now have confidence that the Father will hear and answer our prayers. For this reason Hebrews teaches us to “come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Heb. 4:16). And
December 4, 2021
WHAT WAY ARE YOU FOLLOWING? This is the last verse of the last chapter of Daniel’s prophetic book. It is the final word given to Daniel by the “man clothed in linen,” who appears to be the preincarnate Christ. He had revealed many things to come in the last days, even the time of tribulation.
December 3, 2021
TRUE LOVE ACTS When we receive Christ, we receive the love of Christ. This is the love that moved Christ to die in our place, so that we might have eternal life. True love takes action. The evidence that we have received Christ is that the love that goes beyond mere words and takes action
December 2, 2021
ARE YOU GROWING MORE LIKE JESUS? Do you ever ask questions of God like, “Why is this happening to me?” The apostle John answers saying not everything has been “revealed” yet, but one thing we can be sure of is that “we are children of God” and we shall “be like” Jesus. That’s God’s goal