November 21, 2021
THE LORD’S COMING IS NEAR As the farmer patiently waits for the rain and the harvest, so James called believers to be patient and courageous until the Lord’s return. For the Lord’s coming is near. How near? No one knows, except the Father. As Jesus taught, “Now concerning that day and hour no one
November 20, 2021
THE TEMPLE THAT HAS YET TO BE BUILT The temple that was revealed to Ezekiel by the divine messenger with the measuring rod has never been built. When Ezekiel prophesied, Solomon’s temple had already been destroyed and Zerubbabel’s (which Herod super-sized) had not yet been built. Besides, the Ezekiel temple is much larger in dimension
November 19, 2021
EZEKIEL’S VISION OF A NEW TEMPLE God gave Ezekiel a vision of a new temple in Jerusalem. The description is very detailed, so much so, that it is clear that it doesn’t describe Solomon’s temple from previous days, nor Zerubbabel’s or Herod’s in days after. Ezekiel’s temple has yet to be built. Those who
November 18, 2021
PARTIALITY HAS NO PLACE AMONG GOD’S PEOPLE The apostle James wrote that believers should not show partiality to some over others. He especially had in mind those who were favoring the rich over the poor. He said that showing favoritism exposed not only their evil motives, it was actually committing sin. This instruction continues
November 17, 2021
WHY NOT ASK GOD? It seems self-evident that the one who lacks wisdom would ask the all-knowing God for help. Yet, asking God is often the last choice, rather than the first. Prayer is often only considered after every other human resource is exhausted. But why not ask God first? Perhaps it’s because of
November 16, 2021
RELYING ON THE NEVER CHANGING CHRIST IN AN EVER CHANGING WORLD The author of Hebrews warned believers not to be “led astray” by strange and various teachings that might come along. They were to remember the teachings and conduct of those who first shared the gospel with them and discipled them in the Word. In
November 15, 2021
DO YOU OBEY THE ONE WHO SPEAKS? Have you ever refused to listen to the Spirit of Christ? Has He knocked at your heart’s door and been refused entrance? Consider those in the Old Testament who refused to obey God when He spoke. What became of them? And now, Jesus, the One who mediates the
November 14, 2021
KEEPING YOUR FOCUS ON JESUS Running the race of faith, it is Jesus who sets the pace for us. So we must keep our eyes on Him, sprinting and leaping when He does. And turning aside to rest when He does too. For Jesus is both the Founder and the Finisher of our faith. He
November 13, 2021
FAITH IN GOD CHANGES OUR IDENTITY AND OUR FUTURE Rahab lived in the ancient city of Jericho. She was a business woman who ran a house that offered meals, lodging and other entertainments. Both here in Hebrews 11 and in Joshua 2:1 and Joshua 6:22-25, Rahab was called a harlot. However, that identity did not
November 12, 2021
WHAT IS FAITH? Hebrews begins its eleventh chapter with the biblical definition of faith. Chapter eleven might be called the faith hall of fame. For following its definition, examples of biblical faith are listed. Yet before we think about this definition, we must clarify the kind of faith of which we speak. This is not