“Now I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has actually resulted in the advance of the gospel” (Philippians 1:12 HCSB).

September 29, 2021

DO YOU HAVE A GOSPEL PERSPECTIVE? The apostle Paul wrote this letter to the church at Philippi from his jail cell in Rome. He wrote to encourage his gospel partners, so that they would see that his chains were actually increasing the “advance of the gospel.” He noted that the gospel had become evident to

“Put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the tactics of the Devil.” (Ephesians 6:11 HCSB).

September 28, 2021

PUT ON THE FULL ARMOR OF GOD The apostle Paul warned the believers in Ephesus not to go out into the world unprotected from spiritual warfare. He told them to be prepared for trouble by putting on the “full armor of God.” In other words, don’t go out half dressed. Put on the whole armor

“He was pierced because of our transgressions, crushed because of our iniquities; punishment for our peace was on Him, and we are healed by His wounds.” (Isaiah 53:5 HCSB).

September 27, 2021

CHRIST’S CRUCIFIXION PROPHESIED CENTURIES BEFORE Seven hundred years before Christ Jesus, the Lord gave the prophet Isaiah a description of His coming. There are two types of Messianic prophecies revealed in the Old Testament. Both are seen in Isaiah. The first is the Messiah as conquering king, who will rule the nations from the throne

“Look, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands” (Isaiah 49:16 HCSB).

September 26, 2021

CHRIST’S LOVE FOR US IS STILL INSCRIBED ON HIS HANDS When Israel accused the Lord of forsaking them, He replied saying that He could never forget them. He compared Himself to a mother, saying, “Can a woman forget her nursing child?” Then, He said that He had “engraved” them on His hands. The word “engraved”

“But speaking the truth in love, let us grow in every way into Him who is the head—Christ” (Ephesians 4:15 HCSB).

September 25, 2021

DO YOU SPEAK THE TRUTH IN LOVE? In this verse, Paul described both the goal and the means of our speech to one another. The goal is maturity in Christ. And the means is twofold: “truth” and “love.” The mission of the Church is to make disciples who are being conformed to the image of

“Now to Him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us— to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” (Ephesians 3:20-21 HCSB).

September 24, 2021

WHAT MIGHT GOD DO THROUGH ONE WHO GIVES HIM ALL THE GLORY? The apostle Paul closed his prayer at the end of chapter three with a beautiful benediction. He reminds us that all the glory (credit, thanks, honor, worship) belong to our omnipotent God. When we are able to rightly give God all the glory,

“For we are His creation, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time so that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10 HCSB).

September 23, 2021

WHAT’S GOD’S PURPOSE FOR US? We cannot earn salvation, but having received it by God’s grace through faith, we become God’s “creation” (Greek: “poiema”). In Christ, we become God’s poem, His workmanship, His masterpiece. We are a new creation, therefore we begin to display the new nature in our daily walk, doing good works. Yet

“But those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31 HCSB).

September 22, 2021

DO YOU KNOW HOW TO RENEW YOUR STRENGTH? Do you feel weak and worn out? The Lord gave an answer through the prophet Isaiah saying, “Wait on the Lord.” There is a fatigue that afflicts both young and old. Days off and vacations seem to have no effect on this deep fatigue. Recreation and entertainment

“So we must not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don’t give up” (Galatians 6:9 HCSB).

September 21, 2021

DON’T DIG UP IN DOUBT WHAT YOU PLANTED BY FAITH The apostle Paul told the believers in Galatia, not to “get tired” in their good work. Perhaps they were feeling the fatigue that comes from working without evidence of any result. Like a farmer, they had tilled the soil and sown the seed, but nothing

“Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires” (Galatians 5:24 HCSB).

September 20, 2021

DEALING CRUELLY WITH OUR SIN NATURE The apostle Paul wrote to the believers in Galatia instructing them to be like executioners, dealing cruelly with their own sin. Our human tendency however, is to deal cruelly with the sin of others, rather than our own. For when we see sin in others, we do not hesitate