September 19, 2021
THE WAY OF LIBERTY In his letter to the Galatians, the apostle Paul described the way of liberty that is only found by faith in Christ Jesus. The letter is primarily a warning against adding the law to the gospel of grace. For to do so would be to “submit again to a yoke of
September 18, 2021
FINDING REST IN GOD ALONE Do many opinions seem to be battling it out within your mind? You try to quiet the many voices, so that You can hear the most important One, but try as you may the cacophony continues. Have you learned to speak to your own soul as David did? For David
September 17, 2021
A PROMISE TO BELIEVE In this verse in his letter to the Galatians, Paul referred to Genesis 22:18, where God had promised Abraham that “in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed.” He pointed out that the word “seed” was singular, not plural. He did this to make the case that
September 16, 2021
CHRISTIANITY IS NOT A SELF-IMPROVEMENT COURSE Christianity is not a self-improvement course. We are not called to come and do, but to come and die. For the new life is not self-improvement, but self-denial. We consider our old self “crucified with Christ” and our new self risen with Him to new life. We die to
September 15, 2021
A HIGHWAY OF BLESSING The Lord spoke through Isaiah concerning a day when the rivalry between Egypt and Assyria would end, and Israel would no longer be the battleground between them. This must have been an astounding prophecy for that time. For Egypt and Assyria had been sworn enemies and Israel suffered between them in
September 14, 2021
LOOKING BACK, WE CAN SEE GOD’S HAND ON US ALL ALONG The apostle Paul made it clear to the Galatians that the gospel he had preached to them was not from men, but from the Lord Himself. He went on to explain that when he looked back on his life, he could see that God
September 13, 2021
A BEAUTIFUL BLESSING With this beautiful benediction, Paul closed his second letter to the Corinthians. Paul’s great trinitarian doxology bestowed three powerful blessings of the Godhead upon the believers at Corinth. These three blessings belong to all those who would believe and receive Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior: 1) The “grace” (Greek:
September 12, 2021
TRUSTING INSTEAD OF TREMBLING The psalmist knew what to do when he felt afraid. He had already decided in advance that when fear came, he would replace it with faith in God. When he felt afraid, he recalled God’s Word and praised God for it. When he felt afraid, he compared the size of his
September 11, 2021
ARE YOU BURDENED WITH A LOAD OF CARE? Who carries your cares? Are you trying to carry them alone? Why would you keep laboring under such a burden when the Lord offers to “sustain” you? Cast your burdens on the Lord. Pull them off your back and put them on His. For He is able
September 10, 2021
IMMANUEL–GOD WITH US Isaiah gave King Ahaz of Judah this sign from God to show that within only a few years, the kingdoms of Israel and Syria would be gone. Yet, this prophetic sign had a double fulfillment. It’s present-day fulfillment was for Ahaz, but it’s future fulfillment was for the entire human race. For