July 9, 2021
DID LUKE SAIL TO ROME WITH PAUL? Dr. Luke once again included himself in the Acts narrative with the use of the first person plural “we” (“it was decided that we…”). This is the last of the four “we passages” found in the book of Acts (Acts 16:10-17; 20:5-15; 21:1-8; 27:1-28:16). Although there is some
July 8, 2021
GOSPEL-CENTERED PROCLAMATION Paul’s testimony before the Roman governor Festus and King Agrippa showed not only the focus of his gospel teaching, but also its rootedness in the Old Testament Scriptures. For he was convinced that the good news about the Messiah was clearly foretold by Moses and the prophets. In Paul’s testimony, he gave
July 7, 2021
SURROUNDED WITH GOD’S SHIELD OF FAVOR David wrote of God’s loving-favor and blessing as a shield that surrounded him, both protecting him from harm without, and comforting him with acceptance within. It may seem unusual to visualize God’s love and favor as a shield, which is a defensive weapon of war. But David felt surrounded
July 6, 2021
PAUL’S FAITHFUL WITNESS Paul was held prisoner by the Roman procurator of Judea, Marcus Antonius Felix for two years. Felix understood the religious culture of Judea better than most Romans, having married the daughter of Herod Agrippa I, Drusilla. Both of them divorced their first spouses in order to be together. Paul’s captivity during
July 5, 2021
THE LORD SUSTAINS US EVEN WHILE WE SLEEP David wrote this psalm after he had to flee from his son, Absalom, who sought to overthrow him and take the crown. Surely he was overcome by grief from this betrayal. Sleep had no doubt eluded him during this time. Yet, he finally lay down and slept.
July 4, 2021
REMEMBERING OUR DUAL CITIZENSHIP Paul’s Roman citizenship was often a help to him as he traveled throughout the empire spreading the gospel. Being a Roman citizen gave him certain rights. One of those rights was the right to a trial before any punishment might be administered. It was this right that Paul brought to the
July 3, 2021
WHEN THE KING REDISCOVERED GOD’S WORD King Josiah was crowned at age eight after his father, Amon, was murdered by conspirators. Both his father and his grandfather, Manasseh, were evil kings who had led the people into idolatry. Apparently, during the 55-year reign of Manasseh, the Book of the Law had been lost. How this
July 2, 2021
HEZEKIAH’S TUNNEL STILL REMAINS King Hezekiah was one of the greatest kings in Judah. In 2 Kings 18:5, he was described as one who “trusted in the Lord God of Israel, so that after him was none like him among all the kings of Judah, nor who were before him.” The only foolish event attributed
July 1, 2021
WHY SING A NEW SONG TO THE LORD? The Scripture often instructs that a “new song” be sung to the Lord. In fact, this is in the Bible a total of nine times: six in the Psalms, once in Isaiah, and twice in Revelation. So, why does the Lord desire a new song from his
June 30, 2021
SHARING THE TESTIMONY WE HAVE BEEN GIVEN The apostle Paul reminded his friends from Ephesus of the calling he had on his life from Jesus. Even though he knew that suffering and jail awaited him, he was determined to fulfill his life purpose of telling others the Good News about God’s wonderful grace. Protecting his