May 19, 2021
ARE YOU AWARE OF THE LORD’S PRESENCE IN YOUR LIFE? The psalmist wrote of his constant awareness of the Lord’s presence in His life even as he attended to the everyday things of life here on earth. It is a psalm of praise for the Lord’s attentive ear and caring heart, which the psalmist had
May 18, 2021
GOD’S PROVISION AND PREPARATION IN THE WILDERNESS David fled from King Saul to live in the Judean wilderness of En Gedi, which provided both caves to live in and springs from which to drink. God provided for David in the wilderness. And although it was a very difficult time, it was also a time of
May 17, 2021
WHAT JESUS CAN DO WITH A LITTLE DIRT As He was passing by, Jesus saw a man who had been blind since birth. He spit on the ground, made mud with the saliva, and spread it over the blind man’s eyes. He told the man to wash his eyes in the pool of Siloam. When
May 16, 2021
DO YOU KNOW THE TRUTH? Jesus gave those who believed in Him and continued in His word three promises. The first promise was assurance of salvation. For those who continue or abide in Christ’s word prove themselves to be His disciples. They live in His word and His word lives in them. The second
May 15, 2021
ARE YOU WORSHIP-READY? The psalmist opens with the Hebrew word, “Hallelujah” (“Praise the LORD”)! With this exclamation of praise, he both announced his intention and invited the participation of his fellow worshipers. He was determined to praise the LORD with “all his heart.” Have you made the same determination? In order to bring whole-hearted
May 14, 2021
THE HEALING POWER OF WORSHIP MUSIC After the Lord had rejected Saul as king, His Spirit departed from Saul. And Saul became troubled, going through great bouts of distress. His servants suggested that a musician be found that could play for Saul and calm his nerves. So David, who was skillful on the harp, was
May 13, 2021
LET THE LORD BE YOUR DEFENDER David asked the Lord to rescue him from his accusers. Rather than trying to defend himself, he asked the Lord to defend him. Notice the basis on which he asked for help. He asked God to save him according to the Lord’s “faithful love.” David didn’t ask according to
May 12, 2021
SPEAKING FOR GOD’S GLORY The crowds gathered in the Temple to hear Jesus were amazed at His teaching. They wondered how He had such knowledge and wisdom without training. He responded that His message came from God who sent Him. He did not speak for Himself. He did not seek His own glory, but to
May 11, 2021
WHERE DO YOU TURN WHEN IN TROUBLE? The psalmist gave thanks to God for His deliverance in times of trouble and distress. He praised the Lord for bringing them out of the darkness and gloom of slavery. Perhaps a reference to Israel’s time of being enslaved in Egypt. He gave thanks to God as Deliverer.
May 10, 2021
JESUS, THE TRUE FOOD FOR OUR SOULS After Jesus miraculously fed the multitude, the crowd looked for Him the next day. When they found Him, Jesus told them that they weren’t really looking for Him, but they were looking for more bread. He said they should stop looking for food that perishes but for food