April 29, 2021
DOES GOD GET WEARY? When the Israelites finally “got rid” of their idolatry, so that their deeds matched their words of repentance, God was moved to answer their cry. The description of the Lord’s response to Israel’s true repentance is revealing. For it described Him as being “weary of Israel’s misery.” What does this
April 28, 2021
LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION Gideon, the hesitant judge, would not be coaxed into being king. He recognized that it was the Lord, and not the people, who had called him to be a judge and lead Israel against the Midianites. Therefore, he did not recognize the people’s authority to name him king and rightly
April 27, 2021
WHICH SIDE OF THE CROSS ARE YOU ON? In the gospel of Luke, it is recorded that Jesus was crucified between two criminals, one on either side. In the crowd watching the crucifixion were certain Jewish leaders who sneered at Jesus saying, “He saved others; let Him save Himself if He is the Christ.” The
April 26, 2021
BE CAREFUL ABOUT ASKING GOD FOR A SIGN Gideon’s fleece test –– Was it narrative or normative? I believe it must be considered narrative, a true story described, yet not prescribed. It is not to be taken as normative, meaning that it does not teach a norm, or a timeless method, on how to discover
April 25, 2021
LEARNING TO FOLLOW CHRIST’S HABIT OF PRAYER On the night that Jesus would be betrayed, He went out “as usual” to the Mount of Olives to pray. On this unusual evening, Jesus followed His usual habit: He prayed on the mountain. And His disciples followed Him. Yet, rather than praying, they slept. For they were
April 24, 2021
WHEN THE LORD REPEATS YOUR NAME The Lord addressed him as, “Simon, Simon,” not as “Peter,” for he wouldn’t live up to his new God-given name, which meant “the rock,” until after Christ’s resurrection. Simon Peter tried, but in his flesh he had no power to live up to the new name Jesus had given
April 23, 2021
DON’T WASTE YOUR LIFE! Have you ever heard of the “Urgent-Important Matrix?” It is a time management system made popular by Stephen Covey’s book, “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.” The matrix teaches that every task can be placed in one of four possible quadrants: Q1) Urgent and important, Q2) Important, not urgent, Q3)
April 22, 2021
LOVE AND GIVING ARE CONNECTED As Jesus watched the people putting their gifts into the Temple offering, He offered several insights. One insight is that God sees our giving. He watches over our giving, looking to see who is generous and who is not. Another insight is that God sees the proportion of our giving.
April 21, 2021
THE DIVINITY AND PREEXISTENCE OF CHRIST Jesus asked the Jewish leaders this question not to suggest that the Messiah wouldn’t be born into the line of David, but rather to show them that he would be the Son of God. It was a well known doctrine among the Jews that the Messiah would be born
April 20, 2021
SILENT AND AMAZED AT JESUS The Jewish leaders sent spies to entrap Jesus with what they thought was an unanswerable question. They asked Jesus, “Is it right for us to pay taxes to Caesar or not?” They had carefully crafted the politically charged question, so that if he answered in the positive, he would offend