“Delayed hope makes the heart sick, but fulfilled desire is a tree of life” (Proverbs 13:12 HCSB).

April 19, 2021

HEART SICK FOR HEAVEN Having to wait for any expected good certainly affects our attitude. In this sense, the writer of this proverb accurately observed the growing despondency of the heart that waits unfulfilled. Yet, it is even more intense in the spiritual longing that we have for God. It was in this spiritual sense

“Today salvation has come to this house” (Luke 19:9 HCSB).

April 18, 2021

HAS SALVATION COME TO YOUR HOUSE? On his way up to Jerusalem Jesus stopped in Jericho. He ate at a tax collector’s house named, Zacchaeus. Now Zacchaeus was short of stature and had climbed up a sycamore tree to see Jesus over the crowds following Him. But Jesus knew he was there and called him

“What do you want Me to do for you?” (Luke 18:41 HCSB).

April 17, 2021

THE CURRENCY OF THE KINGDOM IS ASKING When a blind man begging on the roadside near Jericho heard that Jesus was passing by, he cried out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” When Jesus heard him, he commanded that the blind man be brought to Him. Jesus asked, “What do you want Me

“Faithful love and truth will join together; righteousness and peace will embrace. Truth will spring up from the earth, and righteousness will look down from heaven” (Psalm 85:10-11 HCSB).

April 16, 2021

LOVE AND TRUTH ARE REVEALED IN CHRIST Personifying the divine attributes, the psalmist wrote of a day when faithful love and truth would finally join together and righteousness and peace would embrace. “Faithful love” is the translation of the Hebrew word “chesed,” which can be translated “mercy” or “covenantal love.” This is God’s kind of

“For you see, the kingdom of God is among you.” (Luke 17:21 HCSB).

April 15, 2021

WHERE IS THE KINGDOM OF GOD? Where is the kingdom of God? And when will it come? The Pharisees asked Jesus to show them the kingdom. But He warned them that it was not yet something they could observe. They were looking for the outward evidence of pomp and power from a conquering king, while

“If they don’t listen to Moses and the prophets, they will not be persuaded if someone rises from the dead” (Luke 16:31 HCSB).

April 14, 2021

NOT MORE PROOF, BUT LESS PRIDE This was Abraham’s response to the rich man who while in torment in Hades begged for Lazarus to return to warn his brothers of the reality of heaven and hell. This dialogue was the conclusion to a story that Jesus told to illustrate the way people would refuse to

“There was not a word of all that Moses had commanded that Joshua did not read before the entire assembly of Israel, including the women, the little children, and the foreigners who were with them” (Joshua 8:35 HCSB).

April 13, 2021

THE IMPORTANCE OF SCRIPTURE READING Moses gave Israel the Word that the Lord had given to him. And Joshua, after Moses had died, gave the people the Word that Moses had passed to him. Joshua did not leave out a single word, but passed it on whole to all of Israel, even to the “little

“When he came to his senses” (Luke 15:17 HCSB).

April 12, 2021

WHAT WILL IT TAKE FOR YOU TO COME TO YOUR SENSES? Jesus told a parable about a father and two sons. The younger one was rebellious and took his portion of his father’s wealth and squandered it in riotous living. When his money had run out, a famine came, and he took a job feeding

“For which of you, wanting to build a tower, doesn’t first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it?” (Luke 14:28 HCSB).

April 11, 2021

THE COST OF FOLLOWING JESUS Jesus gave the example of counting the cost before building a tower to illustrate the importance of doing the same before making a decision to follow Him. It’s true that Jesus has paid for our salvation, so we may receive it freely by faith. Yet saying yes to so great

“No prophet has arisen again in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face” (Deuteronomy 34:10 HCSB).

April 10, 2021

WHO CAN KNOW GOD FACE TO FACE? Moses was unique among Israel’s prophets. Who else can compare to the way God used him to accomplish signs and wonders to free his people from Pharoah and to lead his people for forty years in the wilderness. What other prophet gave Israel God’s law and God’s Tabernacle