March 20, 2021
FAMILIARITY IS NOT FAITH In the town of Nazareth, where Jesus had grown up, he returned from his forty days in the wilderness to begin his public ministry. He attended the local synagogue and chose the passage from the Isaiah scroll that spoke of the Anointed One who would come. The word “anointed” is where
March 19, 2021
TELL EVERYTHING GOD COMMANDED Moses was a faithful servant to the Lord. He passed along “everything” that the Lord had commanded him to say to the children of Israel. He did not add to, nor subtract from, nor water down the Word of the Lord. He told them all, just as the Lord had said
March 18, 2021
DON’T SKIP THE NAMES! Do you skip over names and places in your Bible reading? If so, you’re missing one of the richest parts of the Bible, namely, its historical and geographical rootedness. In these two verses, we see Luke’s careful research and historical accuracy on display. Wherever skeptics have cast doubt at the Bible’s
March 17, 2021
HAVE YOU HEADED OUT WITHOUT JESUS? After a frantic, three day search, Mary and Joseph found twelve year old Jesus with the teachers in the temple. Mary asked why He had done this to them, causing them such worry, searching for Him. They didn’t understand Jesus’ reply at the time, but Mary continued to ponder
March 16, 2021
SINGING PRAISES TO GOD TO START YOUR DAY David wrote, “I will sing.” He had decided in advance to begin his mornings singing praises to God. Singing praises to God puts our hearts and heads in alignment with His. When we are weak, recognizing God as our strength and stronghold in song, strengthens us to
March 15, 2021
THE LORD’S CALLING AND A FATHER’S BLESSING When it came time for John the Baptist to be born, his father Zechariah prophesied over him. Zechariah had been mute since he first heard from an angel that his barren wife would soon have a son in her old age. The Lord made him mute as a
March 14, 2021
THE SYMBOL OF OUR SIN AND SUFFERING This is one of the more bizarre stories in the Bible. The Israelites were once again grumbling against God and Moses because of the lack of water and variety of food in the wilderness, so God sent poisonous snakes among them. God hates grumbling. Grumbling is the
March 13, 2021
IN GOD WE TRUST David wrote this psalm while he was on the run from King Saul and nearly captured by the Philistines in Gath. Everywhere David turned, enemies pursued him. Yet, he trusted in God, determined not to live in fear. He asked the rhetorical question: “What can man do to me?” Which
March 12, 2021
WHERE DO YOU PUT YOUR BURDENS? David’s psalm sounds similar to Christ’s invitation to “Come unto Me, all ye that are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28). But rather than giving our burdens to God, we struggle and worry over things too heavy to bear. We lose sleep. We
March 11, 2021
SECRET FOLLOWERS NO MORE A prominent member of the Sanhedrin named Joseph of Arimathea went to Pilate to ask for the body of Jesus after He was crucified. At great personal risk to his own reputation and huge financial cost, Joseph bought linen and spices to prepare Christ’s body for burial and then placed the