“Wealth is not profitable on a day of wrath, but righteousness rescues from death” (Proverbs 11:4 HCSB).

March 10, 2021

WORLDLY WEALTH WON’T HELP ON THAT DAY Wealth is useful when facing human justice. It pays for attorneys and even judges of a certain type. Yet, riches do not profit when we face the judgment seat of God. All the treasure in the world is useless on that day. As one has said, “You never

“Miriam and Aaron criticized Moses because of the Cushite woman he married” (Numbers 12:1 HCSB).

March 9, 2021

BE CAREFUL WHO YOU CRITICIZE Moses often had to endure the grumbling of the people, but it must have been even more painful when they spoke against his new wife. Even his own sister and brother, Miriam and Aaron, spoke behind his back concerning the “Cushite” woman (She was probably from Ethiopia or Sudan). And

“Be gracious to me, God, according to Your faithful love; according to Your abundant compassion, blot out my rebellion” (Psalm 51:1 HCSB).

March 8, 2021

G.R.A.C.E. GOD’S REDEMPTION AT CHRIST’S EXPENSE According to the inscription, David wrote this psalm after being confronted by the prophet Nathan for committing adultery with Bathsheba. The psalm is David’s written confession and prayer for forgiveness. Notice that he asked for God’s grace and forgiveness according to God’s “faithful love” and “abundant compassion.” David knew

“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away” (Mark 13:31 HCSB).

March 7, 2021

THE ETERNAL WORD Jesus answered the disciples’ question concerning the last days by describing the signs leading up to it. He talked about how many things would come to pass, but concluded that His words would never disappear.   When we study, memorize and apply God’s Word, we are investing our lives in that which

‘The Lord told Moses, “Each day have one leader present his offering for the dedication of the altar”’ (Numbers 7:11 HCSB).

March 6, 2021

HAVE YOU PLEDGED YOUR LIFE TO KING JESUS? The twelve tribal leaders were instructed to bring their dedication offerings to the Tabernacle, one each on twelve consecutive days. The prince of the tribe of Judah brought his gifts on the first day. For the tribe of Judah led the way when the tribes marched and

“The Israelites are to camp under their respective banners beside the flags of their ancestral houses. They are to camp around the tent of meeting at a distance from it” (Numbers 2:2 ESV).

March 4, 2021

IS WORSHIP THE CENTER OF YOUR LIFE? The Lord instructed the Israelites to set up camp with the Tabernacle at the center. Their tents were to face inward toward the place of worship, not outward toward the world. Worship was to be the center of individual and community life. All of daily life was to

“Is it not written, My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations? But you have made it a den of thieves!” (Mark 11:17 HCSB).

March 3, 2021

IS OUR CHURCH A HOUSE OF PRAYER FOR ALL NATIONS? On the Monday before Christ’s crucifixion He entered the Temple and cleared it of its sellers and money changers. They had apparently made the outer court, known as the Court of the Gentiles, into a marketplace. Jesus was furious. The outer court was meant to

“They were on the road, going up to Jerusalem, and Jesus was walking ahead of them. They were astonished, but those who followed Him were afraid” (Mark 10:32 HCSB).

March 2, 2021

JESUS HAS GONE AHEAD OF US AND FOR US Jesus led the way up from Jericho to Jerusalem to face his ultimate purpose for coming–– the cross. The walk up from Jericho would take about 6-8 hours as they traveled the Roman road, the ruins of which can still be seen today. It was a

“Whoever does not welcome the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it” (Mark 10:15 HCSB).

March 1, 2021

FAITH LIKE A LITTLE CHILD People were bringing their children to Jesus to be blessed by Him. But the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus noticed, He became indignant and told them to let the little children come to Him. Then, He made an important point that there was something about little children that actually made

‘The Lord spoke to Moses: “Speak to the Israelites and tell them: These are My appointed times, the times of the Lord that you will proclaim as sacred assemblies.”‘ (Leviticus 23:1-2 HCSB).

February 28, 2021

HOW THE JEWISH FEASTS POINT TO JESUS The Lord instituted seven “sacred assemblies,” or feasts for Israel. These feasts were to remind Israel of God’s provision and to prepare them for the Messiah. It can get a little overwhelming reading the description of these feasts, but they are worthy of our meditation as we see