December 27, 2020
FUTURE COLLAPSE OF THE ONE WORLD ECONOMY In Revelation 18, John recorded his vision of the fall of commercial Babylon. Babylon represents humanity’s Satan-inspired attempt to create a one world religion, government, and economy that glorifies man instead of God. Man’s first attempt at creating Babylon took place not long after the Flood, when
December 26, 2020
CHRIST THE LAMB HAS OVERCOME THE WORLD In the apostle John’s revelation, he saw a beast with ten horns, which is the Antichrist and the ten nations that unite to follow him. They unite to “make war with the Lamb,” which is Christ Jesus, and with “those who are with Him.” Yet, they are doomed
December 25, 2020
IMMANUEL – GOD WITH US Zechariah’s prophecy told of a time when great numbers of people from the Gentile nations would seek the One born king of the Jews, who is known by this description: “God is with you.” Who is this One? It is Christ Jesus. As Isaiah prophesied (Isa. 7:14) and Matthew confirmed (Matt.
December 24, 2020
GOD SENT HIS SON The prophet Zechariah prophesied that the Lord of Hosts would send Messiah to them. He would be both priest and king (v.13) and would build the temple. Even “those from afar,” meaning the Gentiles, would come and be part of building the temple under His authority. This prophecy was fulfilled
December 23, 2020
CHRIST IS BOTH CORNERSTONE AND CAPSTONE Zechariah was given a prophecy concerning Zerubbabel, the Jewish governor of Jerusalem, that he would finish rebuilding the Temple that had been destroyed by the Babylonians. This prophecy was fulfilled during that time. Yet, as with many biblical prophecies, it also has a spiritual and future meaning. For
December 22, 2020
ADVENT MEANS COMING Zechariah is filled with Messianic prophecies about the “coming” of the LORD. Here, Israel was called to “sing and rejoice” in anticipation of His coming. This prophecy was partially fulfilled in the incarnation. As John proclaimed, “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14). Today, the Spirit of Christ
December 21, 2020
REPENTANCE PRECEDES REVIVAL The prophet Zechariah prophesied to the Jewish exiles, who had returned to Jerusalem after 70 years of captivity in Babylon. Yet, returning to Jerusalem wasn’t the same as returning to God. The Lord commanded Zechariah to “Say to them.” In other words, “Preach to them: Return to Me and I’ll return to
December 20, 2020
THY KINGDOM COME With the sounding of the seventh trumpet, the host of heaven shouted with loud voices that the world’s kingdoms had finally come under Christ and that He would reign over them for eternity. The Lord’s Prayer is answered. God’s kingdom has come! When will this be? No one knows, but God
December 19, 2020
IMMANUEL, GOD WITH US, SINGING OVER US Near the end of Zephaniah’s prophecy of trouble and tribulation for Israel, he prophesied the coming of a Mighty Savior. Like a mighty hero, He would abide with them and rescue them. Like a husband, He would receive and rejoice over His bride. Like a mother, He would
December 18, 2020
LONGING FOR HOME AT CHRISTMAS Jerusalem had been overthrown by the Babylonians and its Jewish citizens had been taken captive. As they were force marched from Judea to Babylon, they were allowed to rest for a while by one of its rivers. Yet though their bodies were in Babylon, their hearts remained in Zion. And