October 5, 2020
WHEN DO YOU PRAY? When do you seek the Lord? The psalmist spoke of a day when he “sought the Lord” as a “day of my trouble.” He described his trouble sleeping and the state of his soul which seemed beyond comfort and encouragement. On such a day, he “cried out to God” (v.1).
October 4, 2020
LIFE’S MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION ANSWERED Most philosophers would say that the most important question is: “What is the meaning of existence?” More specifically, “Who am I and what is my purpose?” Or as the French would say, what is our “raison d’être?” (“reason of being”). In Paul’s letter to the Colossians, the central question
October 3, 2020
WHAT KINDS OF THOUGHTS FILL YOUR THINKING? As the apostle Paul closed his letter to the Philippians, he urged them to always rejoice in the Lord. He gave them a couple of spiritual strategies for joyful living. One, was that they should turn their worries into prayers, not being anxious about anything, but praying about
October 2, 2020
THE PERFECT BODY YOU ALWAYS DESIRED This is what we believe, that the Resurrected One will return and our bodies will be transformed to be like His. Christ is the “firstborn” (Greek: “prototokos”) from among the dead, the “prototype” for the glorified bodies that we will receive at His return. Those who believe will have
October 1, 2020
DRAWING NEAR TO GOD Do you “draw near to God” every morning? Do you take a moment to lift your eyes above your circumstances to contemplate His holiness, to read His Word, to seek His direction, and to receive a fresh filling of His Spirit? Drawing near to God, we put our “trust” in Him
September 30, 2020
ARE YOU WORKING OUT WHAT GOD IS WORKING IN? Physically, we are born with the muscles that God gave us. Yet, it is up to us to work them out. As we learn to crawl, then walk, and ultimately to run, we “work out” the physical strength that God has “worked in” us. If we
September 29, 2020
DO YOU HAVE A GOSPEL PERSPECTIVE? The apostle Paul wrote this letter to the church at Philippi from his jail cell in Rome. He wrote to encourage his gospel partners, so that they would see that his chains were actually increasing the “furtherance of the gospel.” He noted that the gospel had become evident to
September 28, 2020
THE CURRENCY OF THE KINGDOM IS ASKING The Lord questioned Israel as to why they labored so hard for things that did not “satisfy.” Why not come to the Lord and freely receive His bread “without money” and wine “without price?” But Israel had fallen into idolatry. They pursued the blessings of God, rather than
September 27, 2020
THE LORD HAS LAID OUR INQUITY UPON CHRIST JESUS Seven hundred years before Christ Jesus, the Lord gave the prophet Isaiah a description of His coming. There are two types of Messianic prophecies revealed in the Old Testament. Both are seen in Isaiah. The first is the Messiah as conquering king, who will rule the
September 26, 2020
CHRIST’S LOVE FOR US IS INSCRIBED ON HIS HANDS When Israel accused the Lord of forsaking them, He replied saying that He could never forget them. He compared Himself to a mother, saying, “Can a woman forget her nursing child?” Then, He said that He had “engraved” them on His hands. The word “engraved” might