September 25, 2020
DO YOU SPEAK THE TRUTH IN LOVE? In this verse, Paul described both the goal and the means of our speech to one another. The goal is maturity in Christ. And the means is twofold: “truth” and “love.” The mission of the Church is to make disciples who are being conformed to the image of
September 23, 2020
EVER WONDER WHAT GOD IS UP TO WITH YOU? We cannot earn salvation, but having received it by God’s grace through faith, we become God’s “workmanship” (Greek: “poiema”). We become God’s poem, His masterpiece. We are a new creation, therefore we begin to display the new nature in our daily walk, doing good works. Yet
September 22, 2020
DO YOU KNOW HOW TO RENEW YOUR STRENGTH? Do you feel weak and worn out? The Lord gave an answer through the prophet Isaiah saying, “Wait on the Lord.” There is a fatigue that afflicts both young and old. Days off and vacations seem to have no effect on this deep fatigue. Recreation and entertainment
September 21, 2020
NEVER DIG UP IN DOUBT WHAT YOU PLANTED BY FAITH The apostle Paul told the believers in Galatia, not to “grow weary” in their good work. Perhaps because they had tilled the soil and sown the seed like a farmer, but nothing had yet come up. But Paul told them to stop worrying about whether
September 20, 2020
DO YOU BEAR THE FRUIT OF WALKING IN THE SPIRIT? The apostle Paul wrote to the Galatian church to teach them the difference between walking in the flesh and walking in the Spirit. The word “walking,” means “living.” It is that which both motivates and marks one’s life. Paul taught that those who live by
September 19, 2020
DO YOU TRUST IN CHARIOTS OR IN CHRIST? From Abraham’s time until that of Isaiah’s, the people of Israel had often looked to Egypt when they should have been looking to God. Trusting Egypt for help is a metaphor for trusting the world and human strength. Who are you trusting? Egypt or the Lord? Isaiah
September 18, 2020
THE GOOD PURPOSES OF THE LAW The word “tutor” is from the Greek word from which is derived the English word, “pedagogue.” During the 1st Century, wealthy persons would hire a servant to tutor their children, preparing them for adult life. After graduation they were no longer under the tutor. In the same manner,
September 17, 2020
THE ROCK THAT IS HIGHER Written by David, this psalm cried out to God to lead him to a place that was safe and secure. When his heart was “overwhelmed,” perhaps by the attacks of enemies or by the disappointments of life, David cried out for a place where his heart could find rest and
September 16, 2020
WE HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE GOSPEL AS OUR BANNER In this psalm of David, he spoke of a “banner” given to Israel by the Lord, that was to be “displayed.” In the armies of old the one who carried the banner or flag was among the most courageous of soldiers. For he was commissioned to
September 15, 2020
DO YOU WAKE UP SINGING PRAISES TO GOD? David wrote this psalm during the time when he was being pursued by Saul and his men. David expressed his determination to begin each day singing of God’s power and mercy. For he saw that the Lord was his defense and refuge during his time of trouble.