November 16, 2020
THE IMMUTABLE, ETERNAL CHRIST IS OURS The author of Hebrews warned believers not to be “carried about” by strange and various teachings that might come along. They were to remember the teachings and conduct of those who first shared the gospel with them and discipled them in the Word. In the midst of this warning,
November 15, 2020
PURSUE PEACE WITH ALL PEOPLE Those who are at peace with God through faith in Jesus are to “pursue peace with all people.” Peace is the third member of the first triad of the fruit of the Spirit: “Love, joy, peace” (Gal. 5:22). Therefore, peace is one of the key attributes of those who are
November 14, 2020
THE LORD’S NEWSPAPER BOY This was God’s instruction to His prophet Ezekiel as he was given a word from the Lord for Egypt and its pharaoh. This is still the instruction God gives to all His prophets. They are to speak saying, “Thus saith the Lord God.” The late Evangelist Billy Graham was known
November 13, 2020
FAITH IN GOD CHANGES OUR IDENTITY AND OUR FUTURE Rahab lived in the ancient city of Jericho. She was a business woman who ran a house that offered meals, lodging and other entertainments. Both here in Hebrews 11 and in Joshua 2:1 and Joshua 6:22-25, Rahab was called a harlot. However, that identity did not
November 12, 2020
WHAT IS FAITH? The Scripture says “faith is…” Thus giving us the biblical definition of faith. Yet before we unpack this definition, we must clarify the kind of faith of which we speak. This is not faith as a passive noun describing one’s religion or untested belief. No, this is faith from the active sense,
November 11, 2020
WHERE IS YOUR CONFIDENCE? The year 2020 has been a year that has shaken the confidence of many. Yet, we must not “cast away” ours. For though we might lose everything in this world, we have a great reward awaiting us in heaven. And it is a “better and an enduring possession” than any that
November 10, 2020
DO YOU HAVE A HEART FOR GOD? David declared the steadfastness of his heart toward God. In other words, David had set and established his heart on God. He had fixed his focus on God alone. Having made God the object of his heart’s desire and confidence, he declared his intent to sing and give
November 9, 2020
IF YOU KNOW SO, SAY SO! The psalmist David encouraged the redeemed to “say so!” If we have been redeemed (bought back, ransomed, delivered from the penalty of sin) by the Lord, the Word encourages us to “say so!” We can never repay the One who gave His life as a ransom for us, but
November 8, 2020
THE SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING OF THE TABERNACLE The Holy Spirit was the inspiration for understanding the meaning of the Tabernacle and how it pointed to its fulfillment in Christ. For the place here called the “Holiest of All” is a reference to the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle, wherein the High Priest was only able
November 7, 2020
DO YOU HAVE AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE OR GRUMBLING? It wasn’t external enemies that kept the Israelites out of the Promised Land. It was their internal grumbling among themselves. They complained against the food and against their leaders, but really they complained against God. So He allowed the grumblers to die in the wilderness, while