September 14, 2020
LOOKING BACK, WE CAN SEE GOD’S HAND ON US ALL ALONG The apostle Paul made it clear to the Galatians that the gospel he had preached to them was not from men, but from the Lord Himself. He went on to explain that when he looked back on his life, he could see that God
September 13, 2020
DOES YOUR HEART SAY “I WILL” OR “THY WILL?” Lucifer was cast down from heaven because of his rebellious heart that said, “I will be like the Most High.” Being cast down, he sought to corrupt and kill those whom God had made in His own image by tempting them with the same rebellious attitude.
September 12, 2020
WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU FEEL AFRAID? The psalmist knew what to do when he felt afraid. He had already decided in advance that when fear came, he would replace it with faith in God. When he felt afraid, he recalled God’s Word and praised God for it. When he felt afraid, he compared
September 11, 2020
ARE YOU BURDENED WITH A LOAD OF CARE? Who carries your cares? Are you trying to carry them alone? Why would you keep laboring under such a burden when the Lord offers to “sustain” you? Cast your burdens on the Lord. Throw them off your back and put them on His. For He is able
September 10, 2020
GOD IS STILL SENDING THOSE WHO HEAR HIS VOICE Isaiah had a vision that changed his life. He saw the Lord’s throne room and heard the sound of the seraphim crying out to one another, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory!” Isaiah was overwhelmed
September 8, 2020
AIN’T GONNA STUDY WAR NO MORE The Lord gave Isaiah a vision of the latter days when all nations will come to Jerusalem to worship, a day when the Lord Himself will judge and bring peace to the earth. In that day there will be no need for weapons of war. The wealth and works
September 7, 2020
THE LOVINGKINDNESS AND TENDER MERCIES OF OUR GOD David prayed for God’s mercy and forgiveness after being confronted with his sin with Bathsheba. He did not ask for God’s mercy based on himself, but according to God’s “lovingkindness” and “tender mercies.” David knew what his sin deserved, yet he cried out for God to forgive
September 6, 2020
A DAY IS COMING WHEN THE BRIDEGROOM SHALL CALL, RISE UP! Also called the “Song of Songs” because as part of Solomon’s wisdom literature it pursued the personified lady “wisdom” with a lover’s poetic passion, making it the pinnacle of his wisdom writings. However, when read through the lens of the apostle Paul’s letter to
September 5, 2020
ARE YOU LABORING WITH A DULL EDGE? Take time to sharpen your saw. One of Solomon’s habits long before Covey’s seven. My maternal grandfather knew this habit. Before the invention of weed-eaters, he used a large sickle to clear the creek bank. He always kept a sharpening stone in his pocket and would pause from
September 4, 2020
DON’T LET WHAT PEOPLE SAY DETERMINE YOUR HEART’S IDENTITY Solomon warned against being overly sensitive to what others say about you. Guard your heart. For from time to time, even those closest to you may say something disparaging of you. You might even overhear one who works for you, cursing you. Not to your face