May 26, 2020
WE ARE NOT CALLED TO IMITATE BUT TO ABIDE IN CHRIST The abundant life begins with salvation, yet here in John 15, Jesus is speaking of the fruitful life that becomes evident as we continually abide in Him. We understand that our salvation is accomplished by Christ and by no effort of our own. Yet,
May 25, 2020
THE HOUSE THAT GOD BUILT THROUGH DAVID’S SEED When David’s kingdom was established and he had built a house for himself in Jerusalem, he wanted to build a house for the Ark of the Lord. He told the prophet Nathan, “See now, I dwell in a house of cedar, but the ark of God dwells
May 24, 2020
ARE YOUR FAITH QUESTIONS FOR UNDERSTANDING OR DEBATE? Some would say that the member of the Twelve named Thomas was slow to believe. But would we have Christ’s response without his question? Jesus was not offended by the question, but was pleased to answer, knowing that Thomas was honest in his inquiry. For his question
May 23, 2020
HAVE YOU DETERMINED WHERE TO FIND YOUR DELIGHT? Psalm 119 is an acrostic poem based on the Hebrew alphabet. It is a meditation on the majesty and wonder of God’s Word. Consider the psalmist’s declaration of determination saying, “I will.” He decided in advance to find his delight in God’s statutes. As an act of
May 20, 2020
JESUS IS THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE The One who had said, “Let there be light,” now entered into His fallen creation, speaking resurrection life to those dead in their sins. He called to “Lazarus” specifically because otherwise every dead body on planet earth would have burst forth from the grave at His command, “Come
May 17, 2020
LOVE MAKES THE MEAL When there is no love in the home no amount of food or furnishing can compensate. Without love, a rich banquet is dry and tasteless. Without love, the steak is too tough and the bread, too hard. But with love, the simplest fare is life-giving. Everything tastes better with love.
May 15, 2020
WILL YOU DIE IN YOUR SINS OR BELIEVING IN CHRIST? Jesus warned that those who did not believe in Him as the Christ, would die in their sins. Sin is the state of all of Adam’s race. It begins as an attitude of the heart that wants its own way, and manifests as an act
May 14, 2020
THE HEALING POWER OF MUSIC After the Lord had rejected Saul as king, His Spirit departed from Saul. And Saul became troubled, going through great bouts of distress. His servants suggested that a musician be found that could play for Saul and calm his nerves. So David, who was skillful on the harp, was brought
May 13, 2020
LET THE LORD BE YOUR DEFENDER David asked the Lord to rescue him from his accusers. Rather than trying to defend himself, he asked the Lord to defend him. Even more, he asked that the Lord would save him in such a way that his accusers would know that it was God who had done
May 12, 2020
THOSE WHO DESIRE THE WILL OF GOD WILL DESIRE TO KNOW AND FOLLOW JESUS When Jesus went up to Jerusalem and began to teach in the Temple, the Jews were amazed by His teaching. For they wondered how an unlettered man from Galilee could teach with such great insight and learning. They were accustomed to