June 2, 2020
THE LOVE THAT WILL NOT BE DENIED The night Jesus was betrayed, Peter denied Him three times before the rooster crowed, just as Jesus had warned. Surely Peter, the “Rock,” was still struggling with his personal failure when the Lord appeared to His disciples for the third time after His resurrection. Indeed, Peter had become
June 1, 2020
WHOSE TESTIMONY WILL YOU BELIEVE? Some say that David wrote Psalm 119 to teach his son, Solomon, to love God’s Word, while at the same time, teaching him the Hebrew alphabet. For this beautiful ode to God’s Word is an acrostic poem, with each stanza beginning with one of the twenty-two Hebrew letters. Yet
May 31, 2020
THE THIRD WORD OF JESUS FROM THE CROSS WAS A WORD OF CARE Reading the four gospels together, there are seven last words of Jesus recorded. Anyone’s last words are considered important, so shouldn’t our Lord Jesus’ words be even more so? This is the third of Jesus’ last words. It is a word of
May 30, 2020
BEHOLD THE MAN! The Roman governor of Judea, Pontius Pilate, brought Jesus out to stand before the accusing crowd. He had been scourged, beaten, mocked, and spit upon. A crown of thorns was pressed down upon his bruised brow and a purple robe thrown across his torn and bleeding shoulders. He stood silently before his
May 29, 2020
MAKING PLANS DURING A TIME LIKE THIS There is no biblical prohibition against making plans. There is wisdom in planning for the future. Yet, it is foolish to leave the Lord out of our planning for God is the one who holds the future. So, ask for God’s wisdom when making plans. Seek godly counsel.
May 28, 2020
THE LORD’S PRAYER FOR BELIEVERS TODAY Jesus prayed for those that would believe in him both present and future. That includes us! The prayer found in Matthew 6 that begins “Our Father” is referred to as “The Lord’s Prayer,” but really it is the Lord’s model prayer. For he gave the prayer as a teaching
May 27, 2020
WHAT DOES JESUS SAY TO KEEP US FROM STUMBLING IN OUR FAITH? The word translated “stumble,” has the meaning to “trip over and fall because of some impediment.” In this context, Jesus meant to prepare them, so that when trouble came, they would not be tempted to fall away from following Him. What things
May 26, 2020
WE ARE NOT CALLED TO IMITATE BUT TO ABIDE IN CHRIST The abundant life begins with salvation, yet here in John 15, Jesus is speaking of the fruitful life that becomes evident as we continually abide in Him. We understand that our salvation is accomplished by Christ and by no effort of our own. Yet,
May 25, 2020
THE HOUSE THAT GOD BUILT THROUGH DAVID’S SEED When David’s kingdom was established and he had built a house for himself in Jerusalem, he wanted to build a house for the Ark of the Lord. He told the prophet Nathan, “See now, I dwell in a house of cedar, but the ark of God dwells
May 24, 2020
ARE YOUR FAITH QUESTIONS FOR UNDERSTANDING OR DEBATE? Some would say that the member of the Twelve named Thomas was slow to believe. But would we have Christ’s response without his question? Jesus was not offended by the question, but was pleased to answer, knowing that Thomas was honest in his inquiry. For his question