March 30, 2020
CHRIST’S AUTHORITY OVER THE SEEN AND UNSEEN WORLD Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue, fell down at the feet of Jesus begging him to come to his house. For his twelve year old daughter, his only child, lay dying. Before Jesus could arrive, someone came from Jairus’ house saying not to trouble the Rabbi, for
March 29, 2020
DOES YOUR FAMILY KNOW WHAT GOD HAS DONE FOR YOU? When Jesus freed the man living in the tombs of the Gedarenes of demon possession, he begged to go with Jesus. The man had been living in terrible misery, possessed by so many demons that they called themselves, “Legion” when Jesus asked their name. In
March 28, 2020
CHOOSING TO PRAISE AND MAGNIFY THE LORD The inscription to this psalm attributed it to David, who gave it to his Chief Musician with the instruction that it be set to the tune of “The Lilies.” David was a prolific song writer and gifted musician. As a young man, he played the harp to ease
March 26, 2020
MAKE PRAYER AND BIBLE READING A WAY OF LIFE In the book of Deuteronomy, Moses restated the wilderness stories and God’s law to encourage the Israelites to remember and keep their covenant with the Lord. He encouraged them to make God’s Word a daily part of their lives, so that they knew it in their
March 26, 2020
AN ENCOURAGING PROMISE FOR SINGLE PARENTS My mother used to pray this Psalm of David, reminding God of our plight after my father died. She was a widow with four children to raise alone, yet not alone. For she called on God to keep His promise. “Be a father to my children and a
March 24, 2020
PRAYING GOD’S WORD BACK TO HIM The psalmist prayed that God would show them mercy, blessing and favor, so that they might display the way of salvation to the nations. This prayer aligned with God’s promise to Abraham that through his “offspring all nations would be blessed” (Gen. 22:18). It also borrowed words from the
March 23, 2020
THE RICH AND GENEROUS LIFE OF THE OPEN HAND God’s Word promises that the one who is generous will be made rich. The promise is further illustrated by the phrase, “he who waters will also be watered himself.” Perhaps Solomon was sitting near the Jordan River when he wrote this proverb. As the snow melted
March 22, 2020
HAVE YOU SEEN STRANGE THINGS TODAY? When some men brought a paralyzed man to see Jesus in hopes of having him healed, they couldn’t enter the house because of the crowds. So they opened a hole in the roof and lowered him in on his bed. Seeing such faith, Jesus declared the man’s sins forgiven.
March 21, 2020
THE FEAR OF A THING IS OFTEN WORSE THAN THE THING ITSELF In this psalm of David, he prayed aloud saying, “Hear my voice, O God.” This was not a moment of silence or quiet prayer. David cried out to the Lord in desperation, that God would “preserve” his life. What terrible enemy did he
March 20, 2020
WHAT’S YOUR LEVEL OF SATISFACTION TODAY? David wrote of his strong desire to be “satisfied” and “joyful” in the Lord. He sought to bear the fruit of one who knew the “lovingkindness” (v.3) of the Lord. The word “satisfied” speaks of contentment. David lifted his soul up to the Lord, determined to find a deep