April 27, 2020
WHICH SIDE OF THE CROSS ARE YOU ON? In the gospel of Luke, it is recorded that Jesus was crucified between two criminals, one on either side. In the crowd watching the crucifixion were certain Jewish leaders who sneered at Jesus saying, “He saved others; let Him save Himself if He is the Christ.” The
April 26, 2020
LET US SAY AMONG THE NATIONS THAT THE LORD REIGNS The psalmist encouraged God’s people to spread the message among the nations of the world that the Lord reigns. The Lord God is King over all. Therefore, the world and its peoples shall not be moved apart from His righteous judgment. Viewed through the
April 25, 2020
THE LORD HAS A COMFORT FOR YOUR EVERY CARE Do you have a “multitude of anxieties?” Are you worried and afraid about many things? Have you been bottling up your distress “within” you? Why not open up to the Lord about it? For He has a multitude of comforts that can bring delight to your
April 24, 2020
JESUS PRAYS AND INTERCEDES FOR US Jesus told Peter that He had prayed for him. Knowing that it was the night before His trial and crucifixion, Jesus prayed for Peter. Knowing that Peter would deny Him three times in only a few hours, Jesus prayed for him. He told Peter this so that he wouldn’t
April 23, 2020
WHAT DO YOU SAY WHEN TEMPTATION OR TROUBLE COMES? The psalmist declared in advance his intent to call on the Lord when facing a trap or temptation of an enemy or a deadly disease. He said, “I will say.” In other words, He had predetermined how he would respond if temptation or trouble were to
April 22, 2020
LIFT UP YOUR HEADS REDEMPTION DRAWETH NIGH After some of His disciples expressed admiration for the beauty of the Jerusalem Temple, Jesus told them that a day was coming when not one stone would be left upon another. The disciples asked when such a thing would happen. So Jesus described to them the signs of
April 21, 2020
GOD’S UNBREAKABLE NEW COVENANT THROUGH JESUS Men may break their covenants, but God never will. He is a promise-making and a promise-keeping God. The covenant spoken of here is not the one made at Sinai, but the covenant of grace made with Christ. For the Lord is speaking here through the psalmist, describing the new
April 20, 2020
FEARING GOD WE FEAR NOTHING ELSE There are many types of assemblies. Men gather for government and for business. They meet for weddings and funerals. Families gather for birthdays and holidays. Yet the assembly of the saints is unique. For they gather in the name of the Lord. Certainly there is formality and respect on
April 19, 2020
GIVE UNTO THE LORD THE GLORY DUE HIS NAME As Jesus descended the Mount of Olives towards Jerusalem, the multitude of His disciples began to praise God, welcoming Jesus as the long awaited Messiah. Therefore, some of the Pharisees in the crowd told Jesus to rebuke them. However, Jesus knew that their praise was ordained
April 18, 2020
ARE YOU DOING THE LORD’S BUSINESS? As Jesus and His disciples were traveling to Jerusalem, He told them the parable of the minas. The Scripture says that He did this to help them understand that it wasn’t yet the time for Him to set up His earthly kingdom. Indeed He would soon be going away