April 15, 2020
DOES YOUR SOUL LONG FOR THE CHURCH GATHERED? The psalmist expressed his deep longing and love for the Lord’s tabernacle. HIs desire for it was so deep that his soul fainted for its courts and his heart cried out for its Occupant, namely the living God. For the psalmist, the tabernacle represented the very presence
April 14, 2020
IT’S THE SMALL DECISIONS THAT GET US The Gibeonites deceived Joshua and the Israelite leaders and persuaded them to make a covenant with them. The leaders, fresh from a victory, examined the condition of the men’s clothes and food and believed their story. However, once again, they proceeded without counsel from God just as they
April 12, 2020
THE PRODIGAL SON IS ALIVE AGAIN Jesus told a parable about a father and two sons. The younger one was rebellious and took his portion of his father’s wealth and squandered it in riotous living. When his money had run out, a famine came, and he took a job feeding pigs. He was so hungry
April 10, 2020
HAVE YOU BOUND A SCARLET CORD IN YOUR WINDOW? Rahab, the Jericho harlot, hid the Israelite spies whom Joshua had sent to reconnoiter the city. After making an amazing confession of faith in the Lord, she made a deal with the spies that she would hide them in return for protecting her family when the
April 9, 2020
THE POWER OF A GOOD WORD Are your words a pressure cooker or a pressure release for others? When you see someone struggling with anxiety, do they need something more to worry about? Or do they need a “good word” that lifts them up? Consider how people perceive you. When they see you coming, what
April 8, 2020
THE RESPONSIBILITY OF GIFTING AND KNOWLEDGE Jesus told a parable to illustrate the importance of being ready for His return. Peter asked whether the parable was only for Christ’s disciples or for everyone. Jesus answered with another parable, concluding with the thought that the master’s judgment would be based on how much had been entrusted
April 7, 2020
THE LAW LEADS BUT ONLY GRACE SAVES Moses was 120 years old when he passed the reins of leadership to Joshua. He was forty years a prince of Egypt, forty years a shepherd of Midian and forty years leading Israel out of Egypt and through the wilderness. Now his job was finished. Moses, the Levite
April 6, 2020
NO MORE COVERING-UP AND HIDING After warning his disciples about the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, Jesus warned that ultimately all things that people have sought to cover up or hide, will be exposed. Our public “Facebook” persona will have its mask removed. As the Lord warned the Israelites before they entered the Promised Land, “Be
April 5, 2020
THE SIGN OF JONAH POINTS TO EASTER As Jonah was in the belly of the fish for 3 days, so Jesus would be in the tomb 3 days before rising again. Jesus fulfilled every prophecy and prediction concerning His life, death and resurrection. The only “sign” that Jesus offered those who questioned His authority was
April 4, 2020
WILL GOD GIVE GOOD GIFTS WHEN WE ASK? Does God give good gifts when we ask? Can we trust His response to our prayers? If we give ourselves fully to Him in prayer, will He test us with things we don’t want and take away things that we do? Jesus answered these implied questions