“God be merciful to us and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us, that Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations” (Psalms 67:1-2 NKJV).

March 24, 2020

PRAYING GOD’S WORD BACK TO HIM The psalmist prayed that God would show them mercy, blessing and favor, so that they might display the way of salvation to the nations. This prayer aligned with God’s promise to Abraham that through his “offspring all nations would be blessed” (Gen. 22:18). It also borrowed words from the

“The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself” (Proverbs 11:25 NKJV).

March 23, 2020

THE RICH AND GENEROUS LIFE OF THE OPEN HAND God’s Word promises that the one who is generous will be made rich. The promise is further illustrated by the phrase, “he who waters will also be watered himself.” Perhaps Solomon was sitting near the Jordan River when he wrote this proverb. As the snow melted

‘And they were all amazed, and they glorified God and were filled with fear, saying, “We have seen strange things today!”’ (Luke 5:26 NKJV).

March 22, 2020

HAVE YOU SEEN STRANGE THINGS TODAY? When some men brought a paralyzed man to see Jesus in hopes of having him healed, they couldn’t enter the house because of the crowds. So they opened a hole in the roof and lowered him in on his bed. Seeing such faith, Jesus declared the man’s sins forgiven.

“Hear my voice, O God, in my meditation; preserve my life from fear of the enemy” (Psalms 64:1 NKJV).

March 21, 2020

THE FEAR OF A THING IS OFTEN WORSE THAN THE THING ITSELF In this psalm of David, he prayed aloud saying, “Hear my voice, O God.” This was not a moment of silence or quiet prayer. David cried out to the Lord in desperation, that God would “preserve” his life. What terrible enemy did he

“My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness, And my mouth shall praise You with joyful lips” (Psalm 63:5 NKJV).

March 20, 2020

WHAT’S YOUR LEVEL OF SATISFACTION TODAY? David wrote of his strong desire to be “satisfied” and “joyful” in the Lord. He sought to bear the fruit of one who knew the “lovingkindness” (v.3) of the Lord. The word “satisfied” speaks of contentment. David lifted his soul up to the Lord, determined to find a deep

“My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be moved” (Psalms 62:5-6 NKJV).

March 19, 2020

WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO WAIT SILENTLY FOR GOD ALONE? David instructed his soul to wait silently for God alone. Perhaps his soul was feeling impatient and anxious. The two often go hand in hand. Impatience leads to worry, which leads to questions and doubts. David knew this, so he stilled his own soul, reminding

“Hear my cry, O God; attend to my prayer. From the end of the earth I will cry to You, when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I” (Psalm 61:1-2 NKJV).

March 18, 2020

LEAD ME TO THE ROCK THAT IS HIGHER THAN I This is a prayer of David crying out to God for His heavenly perspective and protection. “Lead me to the high rock.” He cried. He wanted to see what was coming in the distance. He wanted his feet, which were sinking in mud, to be

“Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety” (Proverbs 11:14 NKJV).

March 16, 2020

DO YOU SEEK WISE COUNSEL BEFORE DECIDING? It has been said that those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Similarly, those who refuse to learn from the experience of others are doomed to make the same mistakes that they have made. And even when they do take the time to get

“Blessed is the Lord God of Israel, for He has visited and redeemed His people” (Luke 1:68 NKJV).

March 15, 2020

PRAYING FOR THE LORD’S VISITATION TODAY On the eighth day after John the Baptist’s birth, his father Zechariah was filled with the Spirit and prophesied. The Lord spoke through him announcing the purpose of his son’s life, namely, to prepare the way for the Messiah. For the Lord had visited their relative Mary and she

“Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me! For my soul trusts in You; and in the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge, until these calamities have passed by” (Psalms 57:1 NKJV).

March 14, 2020

DO YOU FEEL LIKE HIDING IN A CAVE? David wrote this psalm regarding the time he was hiding in a cave while fleeing from Saul. Even though the king of Israel sought to kill him, David trusted in the Lord. And even though he hid in a cave, he was confident that the day of