February 4, 2020
WHAT’S THE APPLE OF YOUR EYE? Solomon wrote these words to his son, advising him to keep his commands and live. This is good advice for all as it applies to God’s Word. How many ways are named that one might keep God’s Word? 1) Treasure God’s commands within you. 2) Keep God’s commands
February 3, 2020
THE GREATEST REDEFINED Jesus not only taught, but modeled the art of servant leadership. He showed that true greatness was not about exalting oneself, but being humble enough to wash another’s feet. This is the Kingdom leadership model that turns the world upside down. The servant leader descends to greatness. By choosing to serve, the
February 2, 2020
WHY ARE THESE NUMBERS SIGNIFICANT? As they traveled on, the Israelites came to Elim, an oasis located along the Eastern side of the Red Sea near the desert of Sin. It must have been a wonderful sight for the weary travelers as they saw 12 wells of water and a grove of 70 palm trees!
February 1, 2020
DOES IT SEEM GOD HAS LED YOU THE LONG WAY? This explains why the Israelites went the long way around to get to the Promised Land. God wanted to give them time to grow in their faith before facing warfare. God led them like a coach preparing an athlete for a contest. He put them
January 31, 2020
CHRIST’S CRUCIFIXION FULFILLED THE SCRIPTURES Among the many instructions God gave Moses concerning the Passover Lamb was that it must be a male without blemish and that they were not to “break one of its bones” in sacrificing it. God was preparing the Israelites not only for their deliverance from slavery in Egypt, but ultimately
January 30, 2020
HAVE YOU RECEIVED THE PASSOVER LAMB? The Lord instructed Moses to have the people kill a male lamb without blemish and spread its blood on their doorposts, so that the angel of death would pass-over them. The Passover was to be an on-going remembrance of how God delivered Israel from slavery in Egypt. The Passover
January 29, 2020
ARE YOU OWNER OR STEWARD? This Davidic psalm begins with an announcement of God’s ownership of everything and everyone. Believing that God is owner and that we are stewards, servants of God caring for His creation, is a life-changing principle. Many Christians claim to believe this, yet they behave as if their stuff is really
January 28, 2020
WHAT IS THE CALCULUS OF FORGIVENESS? Peter asked Jesus how many times he should forgive a brother, maybe “seven times?”. Jesus answered, “Up to seventy times seven.” This was another way of saying that Peter should forgive as often as needed, without counting or calculus. To further help Peter understand, Jesus told a parable.
January 26, 2020
THE FORSAKEN MESSIAH This Davidic psalm begins with the question that Jesus cried out at the end. David surely wrote this psalm with his own feeling, yet I wonder how much awareness he had that he was describing the Messiah’s death. Did the Spirit awaken him at night to feel the agony of crucifixion: “I
January 24, 2020
THE ORIGIN OF THE TWELVE TRIBES OF ISRAEL Jacob, who was called Israel, spoke a word over each of his sons from his death bed. He bestowed a double portion to Joseph, giving his two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, equal standing to his own sons. And so, when the twelve tribes of Israel move out