February 20, 2020
MOTIVES MATTER TO GOD At the very first worship service in the newly ordained Tabernacle. The Lord was so pleased that He caused His glory to appear to all the people, and sent fire that consumed the offering that Aaron had placed on the altar. The people let out a great shout at this display
February 18, 2020
WHOSE JOB IS IT TO MAINTAIN YOUR PASSION FOR GOD? Aaron and his sons were commanded to always keep the fire burning on the altar in the Tabernacle. This fire was the divinely appointed symbol of their uninterrupted worship of Yahweh. As such, they were to never let the fire of their worship of Yahweh
February 17, 2020
NEW WINESKINS FOR NEW WINE The Pharisees questioned Jesus as to why he and his disciples did not fast as they did. He answered with a double parable that illustrated the futility of trying to bind something new to something old. However, his answer had greater relevance than fasting. For the old garment and the
February 16, 2020
THE FAT IS THE LORD’S The priests were to burn the fat off of the offering as a sweet aroma to the LORD. Although a portion of the offerings belonged to the priests for their food, the fat was not to be eaten, for it belonged to the LORD. Anyone who has smelled bacon
February 15, 2020
HOW NEAR IS THE KINGDOM OF GOD? In the gospel of Mark, he reported that Jesus began His public ministry in Galilee. He came preaching a message of fulfillment, God’s kingdom, repentance and faith in the good news. Of fulfillment, because the long awaited Messiah, Jesus, had finally come. As Paul wrote, “When the
February 14, 2020
A VALENTINE FOR THE BROKENHEARTED Not everyone will receive a Valentine today. Some have a heart still hurting from a broken relationship. Other hearts have slowly broken from a lifetime of loneliness. Yet, everyone who comes to the Lord with a contrite and humble spirit, admitting their broken hearts, will experience His presence and salvation.
February 13, 2020
RECOGNIZING THE SACREDNESS OF OUR WORK The modern separation between the sacred and the secular is not the wholistic view of faith and vocation that is seen in the Bible. Consider these two men whom Moses named in Exodus because of their God-given talent as craftsmen. He described Bezalel as being “called by name” (Ex.35:30)
February 12, 2020
DO YOU THINK YOURSELF INNOCENT OF CHRIST’S BLOOD? Pontius Pilate, the Roman Governor over Judea, made a show of washing his hands and declaring himself “innocent” of Christ’s blood. Yet in reality, he was fully responsible as the ranking representative of Roman law. How strange that the one who condemned the Innocent One to death
February 11, 2020
THE SILENT SAVIOR WHOSE SACRIFICE SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS The Roman governor, Pontius Pilate marveled greatly at Jesus’s silence in the face of His accusers. Surely he had judged and condemned many a man, but never one like this. Who was this man that stood silent with such quiet dignity? Neither Pilate nor the
February 10, 2020
ARE YOU TRYING TO FOLLOW JESUS AT A DISTANCE? On the night when Jesus was arrested, Peter tried to blend in as one of the crowd, following Jesus at a distance. This, after following so close must’ve been unbearable for Peter. Yet, it only took a little distance before denial overtook him. For just as