January 7, 2020
NOTHING IS TOO HARD FOR THE LORD The three men that visited Abraham were from the “LORD” (All caps means God’s covenant name “Yahweh” is being translated). The two silent ones were angels (Gen. 19:1), and the third was a physical manifestation of the LORD, possibly the preincarnate Christ, or what is called a Christophany.
January 6, 2020
LIVING GENEROUSLY In Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, He taught that citizens of His Kingdom should respond generously to those who ask for help. Of course we might think of many reasons why the one doing the asking might be undeserving, but that shouldn’t be our first thought. Our first inclination as followers of Jesus
January 5, 2020
RETURN TO THE FIRST PLACE AND CALL ON THE LORD After God rescued Abram from Pharaoh, having gone down to Egypt because of the famine, he returned to the old altar he had built near Bethel and Ai. There he once again called on the name of the Lord. Abram had a habit of
January 4, 2020
WHAT IS THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM? The apostle Matthew recorded that Jesus’ ministry in Galilee was in fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy, saying that the people of Galilee who “sat in darkness have seen a great light” (Matt. 10:16 quoting Isa. 9:1-2). He also reported that Jesus went all about Galilee preaching “the gospel of
January 3, 2020
THE GIFT OF SUSTAINING SLEEP Anyone who has experienced a sleepless night filled with worry and fear knows what a gift it is to be able to lay down and sleep. David understood this. For he had spent many a sleepless night as a young man hiding from Saul. Now, as an old man, when
January 2, 2020
BY FAITH EVE NAMED HER SON THE APPOINTED ONE Eve must have received a word from the Lord concerning her third son. For she named him “Seth,” which means “appointed.” By faith she named him as the appointed “seed” that replaced her righteous son Abel, whom her firstborn Cain had killed. How filled with grief
January 1, 2020
GOD’S PROVISION TO HELP US MARK OUR TIME ON EARTH Nearly every measurement of time was set in motion by God from the beginning. Our clocks and calendars are only manmade tools to mark the “signs and seasons” which God ordained from the start. The 24-hour day and the 365-day year are set by the
December 31, 2019
JESUS SEALS HIS REVELATION WITH A FINAL “I AM” STATEMENT Just as Jesus introduced Himself to John at the beginning of the book of Revelation with an “I AM” statement (See Rev. 1:8), so He brings the book to a close with a final one. What is an “I AM” statement? It is a testimony
December 30, 2019
ARE YOU BOUND FOR THAT CITY? John saw the “holy city,” the “New Jerusalem,” coming down from heaven. This is the very place that Christ went to prepare, saying, “In my Father’s house are many mansions. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?
December 29, 2019
WILL YOU SHARE IN THE FIRST RESURRECTION? John saw a day when all those who share in the “first resurrection” would serve as priests of God and reign with Christ for a thousand years, a millennium. What is this “first resurrection” and who are those who share in it? The first resurrection began with