November 7, 2019
CHRIST OUR GREAT HIGH PRIEST AND MEDIATOR The old covenant was a foreshadowing of the new one, which has now come into view through Jesus. The old covenant was a “copy” of the real one in heaven that was revealed to Moses. It acted as a tutor, teaching and pointing to its fulfillment in Christ.
November 6, 2019
WHO CAN EVER PRAISE THE LORD ENOUGH? The Psalmist’s questions beg the answer, “No one.” How can we number the glorious actions of our God? He is omnipotent and eternal. Who knows what He has done, is doing, or will do? A list of these miracles would needs be infinite too. And how can we
November 5, 2019
IDOLATRY OF THE HEART HINDERS PRAYER There is a type of idol that is unseen, but is just as surely built and worshiped in the human heart. This idol of the heart comes between us and God. Those elevated to leadership must recognize their particular vulnerability to this type of idolatry. These idols are not
November 4, 2019
CHRISTIAN HOPE IS LIKE A ROPE Christian hope is not like the world’s hope. It isn’t like saying “I hope it doesn’t rain this weekend.” For that hope is a mere wish built on nothing. Christian hope is like a rope, anchored in the historical resurrection of Jesus Christ in the past, taken hold
November 3, 2019
FOUR WORDS FOR WORSHIPING THE LORD There are four words for worshiping the Lord given in the first two verses of Psalms 105. Do you see them? Let’s name them: 1) THANKS – Give God your gratitude for everything. 2) PROCLAIM – Proclaim the greatness of God in Christ Jesus. 3) SING – Sing
November 2, 2019
WHO ARE THE WATCHMEN FOR OUR TIME? God called Ezekiel to be a prophet and a “watchman” for Israel. A “watchman” was to keep watch over the camp during the night to sound a warning should danger appear. Ezekiel’s “watchman” duties however, were to keep watch to warn his people of sin and judgment, and
October 31, 2019
OUR CHANGE OF STATUS AS GOD’S CHILDREN Receiving Christ’s sacrifice on the cross as payment for our sins we are made children of God. This spiritual transaction changes our status in at least three ways: 1) Righteousness – Christ took our sin upon Himself and the Father counted His righteousness as ours for our justification.
October 30, 2019
THE LORD HIMSELF IS MY INHERITANCE The prophet Jeremiah cried out to God for the fallen city of Jerusalem, and for his own homelessness and suffering. Yet, in the midst of this sorrowful lament, Jeremiah looked to God for his inheritance. Rather than look to worldly things, he looked to the Lord Himself as his
October 29, 2019
BE WARY OF PREACHERS THAT GIVE FALSE HOPE Jeremiah lamented the failure of Judah’s prophets to preach God’s Word and to call His people to repentance of their sin. Instead they filled the people with false hope. The last days of Jerusalem before its fall to Babylon were marked by a people with “itching ears”
October 28, 2019
THE RIGHTEOUSNESS REVEALED IN CHRIST ALONE Be careful not to judge unbelievers as if you are better than they. Remember that God saved us not according to us, but according to Jesus. We have not earned salvation, nor are we able to work at keeping it. It is the mercy and grace of God which