December 5, 2019
ARE YOU AN AGITATOR OR A CALMER? A timely word from the book of Proverbs for today. Is it your goal to “agitate” others with that which has agitated you? Or is it your desire to “calm” others with wisdom, so that the truth of the matter may be revealed? The mocker will incite rioting
December 3, 2019
TRUE LOVE COMMUNICATES THROUGH WORD AND DEED When we receive Christ, we receive the love of Christ. This is the love that moved Christ to die in our place, so that we might have eternal life. Real love takes action. The evidence that we have received Christ is that the love that goes beyond mere
December 2, 2019
HOW TO PREPARE FOR CHRIST’S RETURN Determine to finish well. How? “Remain in fellowship with Christ.” Stay close. If you wander, come back. If you stray, return. If you sin, repent. Keep short accounts. “Remain.” Which is to abide, to stay, to live and walk in constant “fellowship” with Jesus. This is not working or
December 1, 2019
WHAT DID GABRIEL EXPLAIN TO DANIEL? It is interesting to see the angel Gabriel mentioned in our Old Testament reading on this first day of December. For he will also be of great interest to us as we read the gospel accounts of Christ’s birth during this Christmas season. There are only two angels named
November 30, 2019
ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE FOUR BEASTS? Moving from Daniel 6 to Daniel 7, is like turning the TV from the History Channel to the SYFY Network–– one has to adjust to understanding images and concepts that are out of this world! Because in this chapter, God pulled back the veil on the world’s kingdoms
November 29, 2019
HOW ARE WE TO REMEMBER WHAT THE PROPHETS AND APOSTLES SAID? In the apostle Peter’s second letter, he shared his intent to stimulate their thinking by urging them to always remember the words of the holy prophets and of the commands of Jesus given through the apostles. In this way, Peter put the writings of
November 28, 2019
THE WRITING ON THE WALL Daniel warned Belshazzar, king of Babylon, that he had not learned to honor God and give Him thanks, even though he had witnessed how God had humbled his predecessor, Nebuchadnezzer. God sent Belshazzar a message, written on the wall of his banquet hall by a disembodied hand as he and
November 26, 2019
WHO IS THIS GOD OF HEAVEN? Daniel introduced Nebuchadnezzer, king of Babylon, to the God of heaven. He made it clear that what the king had asked of his wisemen was an impossible task, but the God of heaven had revealed the answer. For Nebuchadnezzer had asked that his wisemen tell him his dream and
November 25, 2019
A PRAYER VIGIL IN BABYLON TO THE GOD OF HEAVEN When Daniel heard of King Nebuchadnezzer’s intent to execute all of Babylon’s wisemen for being unable to recount and interpret his dream, he asked the king for a time extension. That night, Daniel got with his three friends and fellow exiles, Shadrach, Meshach, and a
November 24, 2019
SET FREE TO SERVE NOT TO SIN As exiles in this world, citizens of the kingdom of heaven, we have been set free from slavery to sin and the world’s system. We live in this world, but we are not of this world. Our citizenship is in heaven. Yet, this freedom is not a license