November 21, 2019
REMEMBER TO PRAY FOR THE SICK An often overlooked resource in the modern church. Having available modern medicine, we forget the benefit of prayer and laying on of hands. Yet, the Bible says that having the elders in the church pray for you and anoint you is the proper response when you are sick. In
November 19, 2019
HOW BIG AND HOW LOVING IS YOUR GOD? Why should the child of God fear anything? What is so great or terrible that it should trouble the believer’s heart with anxiety? Let us join with the apostle Paul who asks the rhetorical question, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Rom. 8:31).
November 18, 2019
FAVORITISM HAS NO PLACE AMONG THE FAITHFUL The apostle James wrote that believers should not show favoritism to some over others. He especially had in mind those who were favoring the rich over the poor. He said that showing favoritism exposed not only their evil motives, it was actually committing sin. This instruction continues
November 17, 2019
MOVING TRIALS FROM THE SAD COLUMN TO THE GLAD COLUMN James described the spiritual mindset that the Christian should have when facing trials. What is this mindset? “Great joy.” Not happiness, which is based on external happenings, but “great joy,” which comes from within and is the fruit of the Spirit for the believer that
November 16, 2019
WHEN A PEOPLE ACCUSE THE LORD OF WRONG When a people lose their fear of the Lord and begin to lift their own judgments above His, that nation will not long survive. The prophet Ezekiel warned the people of Judah to repent. Yet they responded by accusing God of injustice rather than repenting themselves. Today,
November 15, 2019
DO YOU LISTEN TO THE ONE WHO IS SPEAKING? Have you ever refused to listen to the Spirit of Christ? Has He knocked at your heart’s door and been refused entrance? Consider those in the Old Testament who refused to obey God when He spoke. What became of them? And now, Jesus, the One who
November 14, 2019
CAN MY DADDY SEE ME NOW? Who is this “huge crowd of witnesses?” They are those who have already run life’s race “by faith” as Hebrews 11 has listed. They have already crossed life’s finished line and have now joined other believers, who the author of Hebrews here visualizes either metaphorically or literally, as now
November 13, 2019
THAT FAITH WHICH CHOOSES ETERNITY WITH CHRIST OVER TEMPORAL THINGS The book of Hebrews teaches that it was “by faith” that Moses chose to be identified with God’s people rather than remain as the adopted son of Pharoah’s daughter. Moses was further commended for his faith in that he considered it better to suffer for
November 12, 2019
DO YOU LOVE THE LORD MORE THAN THESE? The Lord gave the prophet Ezekiel, whom He often referred to as the “Son of man,” a prophecy concerning the coming death of his wife. He further instructed him not to mourn for his wife because he was to be a sign to those who would see
November 11, 2019
HOLDING TIGHTLY WITH UNWAVERING HOPE Christian hope is confident hope. For Christian hope is based on the promises of God. Since this hope is anchored to God’s promises we can be assured that our hope will not be disappointed. So rather than hanging on to the temporal things we can see, let us hold tightly