July 15, 2019
SEEKING THE APPLAUSE OF THE ONE Paul explained that the sign of circumcision was not sufficient to please God without the accompanying evidence of a changed heart. And a heart changed by the Holy Spirit always seeks the approval of God rather than men. For the one who is born again wants what the Father
July 14, 2019
WHO ARE WE O LORD THAT YOU HAVE BROUGHT US THIS FAR? When David told the prophet Nathan of his desire to build a house for the Lord, the word of the Lord came to Nathan during the night saying that He was instead going to build a house for David. The Lord spoke of
July 13, 2019
PROCLAIM THE GOOD NEWS EVERY DAY TO EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE. David gave this song of thanksgiving to the Levites to sing on the day they brought the Ark into Jerusalem. In these two verses, he commanded his people to proclaim the good news that God saves to the nations. Notice some of the details of his
July 12, 2019
SPIRITUALLY ENCOURAGING GET-TOGETHERS This is what “get-togethers” should accomplish–– mutual encouragement of our faith. By the way, thanks to all for the birthday greetings today. You’ve encouraged me. I look forward to encouraging you back, when we get-together again! PRAYER: Lord, help us to always share our spiritual gifts with one another, so that
July 11, 2019
DAVID: THE SONG-WRITING, STONE-SLINGING MAN OF GOD David was God’s man, but he was also a man’s man. There was something about his heart that the Lord would anoint him king. And something about his manner that made men of action want to follow him. He was an amalgamation of such eclectic talent and passion,
July 10, 2019
PAUL’S THREE ENCOURAGING FAITH STATEMENTS The ship taking Paul to Rome for his appeal to Caesar was caught up in a great storm and in danger of sinking. But God sent an angel to encourage Paul that although they would suffer shipwreck, no one on board would drown. All would be saved. Paul encouraged the
July 8, 2019
THE FOCUS OF GOSPEL TEACHING Paul’s testimony before Festus and Agrippa showed not only the focus of his gospel teaching, but also its rootedness in the Old Testament Scriptures. For he was convinced that the good news about the Messiah was clearly foretold by Moses and the prophets. In Paul’s testimony, he gave three
July 7, 2019
SURROUNDED WITH GOD’S SHIELD OF LOVE David wrote of God’s loving-favor and blessing as a shield that surrounded him, both protecting him from harm without and comforting him with acceptance within. It may seem unusual to visualize God’s love and favor as a shield, which is a defensive weapon of war. But David felt surrounded
July 6, 2019
PAUL’S FAITHFUL WITNESS Paul was held prisoner by the Roman procurator of Judea, Marcus Antonius Felix for two years. Felix understood the religious culture of Judea better than most Romans, having married the daughter of Herod Agrippa I, Drusilla. Both of them divorced their first spouses in order to be together. Paul’s captivity during
July 4, 2019
REMEMBERING OUR DUAL CITIZENSHIP Paul’s Roman citizenship was often a help to him as he traveled throughout the empire spreading the gospel. Being a Roman citizen gave him certain rights. One of those rights was the right to a trial before any punishment might be administered. It was this right that Paul brought to the