September 9, 2019
UPSIDE-DOWN MORALITY—THE SIGN OF IMPENDING WOE The Lord declared impending judgment on Judah through the prophet Isaiah for their rejection of His law and the confounding of His Word. For their thinking had become so warped by sin that they called evil— good, darkness— light and bitterness— sweet. A nation with such an upside-down morality
September 8, 2019
BRING YOUR SINS TO THE LORD Isaiah begins his prophecy with a terrifying appraisal of Israel’s sin. Yet before he even finishes the first chapter, he offers this hope of forgiveness and covering from the Lord. For the Lord invites us to come to Him and “settle” our sin problem. Though our sins are deeply
September 3, 2019
TRUE PARTNERSHIP REQUIRES SAME FAITH Paul’s warning does not mean separatism. He is not advising that we avoid unbelievers. In the previous chapter, Paul had just written about being entrusted with the “message of reconciliation,” so this requires engaging with lost people. What he is warning against is being partners with them. This should inform
September 1, 2019
IN CHRIST WE ARE A NEW CREATION Christianity is not self-improvement. It is an invitation to come and die, that we might be born again. It is not incremental nor partial, but drastic and total. By believing and receiving Christ, we are found in Him. Our old nature we count crucified with Christ. Our new
August 31, 2019
WHAT WE CAN KNOW ABOUT RESURRECTION “We know.” This faith we have is based on the historical resurrection of Jesus. We look at this fact, believing it, and this faith becomes like confident knowledge. Believing that God raised Jesus in the past, we also believe that He will raise us with Jesus in the future.
August 29, 2019
QUESTIONS OF THE HEART There are at least two ways of reading this Scripture. The first is to view the psalmist as truly questioning the source of his feelings of discouragement and sadness. He knows that he is discouraged, but he is not sure why. So, he is lifting up his heart to the Lord
August 27, 2019
DO YOU TREASURE GOD’S WORD? Job lived during the time of the patriarchs before the written Word was given. Yet he knew the commands and words of the Lord. He lived by them and “treasured” them more than food. We have been given all that Job had and much more. For we have the
August 26, 2019
OFFERING COMFORT THAT COMFORTS On top of all of Job’s grief he had to suffer the “empty clichés” of his so-called friends. Job had lost his children, his wealth and even his own health, yet those who came to pay their respects had no real comfort to give him. They even began to argue with
August 25, 2019
DO YOU KNOW THAT YOUR REDEEMER LIVETH? Long before Christ came to redeem us from our sin, Job already hoped for such a “Redeemer.” Job placed his hope in Messiah as one peering through a veil. For the Book of Job is one of the oldest in the Bible. Yet, he knew not only that
August 24, 2019
NEVER DIG UP IN DOUBT WHAT YOU PLANTED BY FAITH Be strong, immovable, always work with enthusiasm for the Lord. Why? Because of the resurrection and because whatever you plant in faith will grow and produce a harvest. The promise of eternal life should make us fearless in our focus. It should make us immovable