May 31, 2019
THE FIRST JUDAS The story of David’s betrayal by Ahithophel foreshadows that of Jesus by Judas. David wept on the Mount of Olives as he left Jerusalem, as Jesus did on the night of his betrayal. David was betrayed by a trusted advisor, who later hung himself. Jesus was betrayed by one of his own
May 30, 2019
THE KING WHOSE KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD When Pilate asked Jesus whether he was the king of the Jews, Jesus answered that his kingdom is not of this world. Jesus did not deny being a King. He used the word “my” three times saying, “My Kingdom and my followers.” So, Jesus is a
May 29, 2019
THE DETERMINED COURAGE OF OUR SAVIOR When the soldiers came in the cover of darkness with torches blazing and swords clanging, Jesus and his disciples might’ve easily escaped. Instead, Jesus fully realized that this was the moment for which he had come, so he stepped into the open to meet them. What determined courage! Jesus
May 28, 2019
Who was Jonadab? Jonadab was the son of Jesse’s third son, David’s brother, Shimeah. He was David’s nephew and a supposed “friend” to David’s firstborn son, Amnon. Yet, on this occasion his true identity was revealed, for as the serpent in the garden of Eden was described as “crafty” (Gen. 3:1), so was he. And
May 27, 2019
TRUE PEACE IS ONLY FOUND IN THE PERSON OF JESUS CHRIST True peace can only be found in a Person, not a place. This peace is not about the absence of trouble, but the abiding presence of Jesus Christ. For trials and sorrows are inevitable in this world, but Christ has overcome them all. So,
May 26, 2019
Who is Mephibosheth? Mephibosheth was the son of Jonathan and the grandson of King Saul. He was five years old when the news came about their deaths in battle. His nurse was fleeing with him to hide when “he fell and became disabled” (2 Sam. 4:4). Now, perhaps 16 years later, King David called for
May 25, 2019
BECAUSE HE LIVES Jesus encouraged His disciples with the promise of His resurrection life. For in His coming resurrection, He would provide for them both proof and pledge of their own resurrection and life. Because He lives we have proof that Christ is the Victor over sin, death and the grave. Since He lives,
May 24, 2019
LOVING ONE ANOTHER IS THE PROOF Our greatest proof to the world that we are disciples of Jesus is that we love one another. While logical arguments, philosophical proofs, and existential questions may be helpful to open the mind. Our most powerful persuasion is love. Loving one another we will “prove to the world” that
May 23, 2019
SIN GOES OUT INTO THE NIGHT The one who leaves Jesus and his disciples to go “out into the night” will hurt Christ and his church, but in the end will be the one most harmed by that decision. That is what sin does. It caused Adam to hide in the shadows of the garden
May 22, 2019
CHRIST IS OUR CHIEF CORNERSTONE Every stone in the Hebrew Temple was inspected for flaws by the builders. The stones where cut from a quarry some distance away and had to not only fit their designated location in the Temple, but they had to be without imperfection to support its weight. Of all the stones