January 27, 2019
WHAT’S IN YOUR HAND? When Moses made excuses about his inability to answer God’s call to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, God asked, “What’s in your hand?” Moses replied dismissively, “A rod” (A shepherd’s staff). It was not a sword to fight with, nor a priceless object to barter, but a piece of well-worn
January 25, 2019
INFANTICIDE AND FEAR OF GOD Pharaoh was worried about the growing Hebrew population in Egypt, so he ordered the midwives to kill all the newborn boys at birth. But his decree had little effect because the midwives feared God more than they feared the king. In the midst of this terrible time of government ordered
January 24, 2019
HOW DO WE GUARD OUR HEARTS? Solomon instructed his son to guard his heart. In other words, he wanted his son to be careful about where his passions and desires led him. Certainly Solomon was an example of a man who ultimately let his heart overrule his head. He started out well with God, leading
January 23, 2019
DO NOT FEAR GOD’S PURPOSE FOR YOUR LIFE The Lord spoke to Jacob in a vision the night after he offered sacrifices in Beersheba on his way to Egypt. Surely old Jacob was concerned about leaving the land promised to his family since his grandfather Abraham had obeyed the Lord and brought the family there.
January 22, 2019
JOSEPH, A FORESHADOWING OF CHRIST Joseph sees God’s purpose in being sold into slavery in Egypt. He forgives his brothers and welcomes them to live under his care. There is a foreshadowing of Christ in Joseph– the way he suffers betrayal and injustice before rising to become their savior and lord. The dreams he had
January 21, 2019
WHICH KING WILL YOU CHOOSE? This was Herod the “Tetrarch” (“ruler of a quarter”), not Herod the Great. He was one of the sons of Herod the Great, and was better known as “Antipas.” After the death of Herod the Great, his sons went before Tiberius Caesar to plea their case for their father’s throne,
January 20, 2019
GIVING ALL, LOSING NOTHING, GAINING EVERYTHING! One of Christ’s many kingdom parables, this one emphasizes the willingness of one to give up everything in this world in order to have the kingdom of heaven. The value of the kingdom is “hidden” to most, yet revealed to those who discover its treasure. Others probably thought the
January 19, 2019
THE DREAMER GIVES GOD THE GLORY Joseph had thoughtlessly shared his dreams with his older brothers, predicting how they would one day bow down to him. In their jealousy, they sold him into slavery. Yet after years in slavery and prison, Joseph had changed. He was humbled, giving God all the glory for any power
January 18, 2019
WHICH IS HARDER TO BELIEVE? Jesus affirmed two miraculous events in one verse. First, what many call fable, Jesus treated as fact. Jesus not only affirmed the Jonah story in Scripture, but saw it as a Messianic sign. Second, He prophesies His own death and resurrection. Modern man may discount the stories of the Bible
January 17, 2019
STAYING NEAR THE TOWER OF THE FLOCK Jacob, whom God had named Israel, finally found a place to pitch his tent. The place was called “Migdal-eder,” which means “Tower of the Flock.” It described a hill with a tower where the shepherds could watch over their sheep. Migdal Eder was located between Jerusalem and Bethlehem.