December 14, 2018
God called Jonah to deliver a warning of judgment to the city of Nineveh, the capital of Assyria. This Assyrians were hated by the Jews because they were constantly invading Israel. The Assyrians would later defeat the Northern Kingdom of Israel and carry its people off into captivity. Yet, God wanted them warned of His judgment.
This is a unique story in the Old Testament of the Word being carried to a Gentile people by one of God’s prophets, albeit unwillingly. God had declared His purpose to Abraham that “all the families of the earth” would be blessed from his seed. Here, the book of Jonah hints at this future blessing. Even the Lord Jesus referred to this little book when He said that the only sign He would give was the “sign of Jonah” (Matt. 12:39), referring to His death, burial, and resurrection after three days.
Those who have trouble believing that God could “arrange” for a fish to save a drowning man, will probably have trouble with a crucified man being resurrected from the grave. Yet, those who do believe are rescued from God’s judgment.
December 13, 2018
John saw four “living beings” continually praising the One seated on a heavenly throne. These four beings have been variously interpreted to represent the four evangelists: Matthew (Lion), Mark (Ox), Luke (Man), and John (Eagle). These four images also align with the emphases of each gospel. For Matthew emphasized Christ as King (Lion), Mark emphasized Christ as Servant (Ox), Luke as Son of Man (Man) and John emphasized Christ as God (Eagle).
It is also interesting to note that these four images were on the banners of the tribes of Israel’s wilderness encampment that camped according to the four points of the compass. The tribe of Judah camped to the East with the banner of a lion, Ephraim to the West with an ox, Reuben to the South with a man, and Dan to the North with the image of an eagle on their banner.
John does not comment on their identity. He only records what they continually repeated–– that God is three times holy, omnipotent and eternal. One Day, we shall join in their worship, casting our crowns before Christ’s royal throne.
December 10, 2018
The Lord gave the prophet Amos a list of proverbial questions to ask of Israel and Judah. Each of them beg an obvious negative response. The first proverb concerned their walk with God. The Lord essentially asked, “Can you claim to have My presence when you walk so contrary to Me?” The obvious answer? “No.”
The Lord pictured Himself as one of two people, with the other representing His chosen ones. Yet, they no longer walked with Him. Although they claimed God’s presence, their walk and talk proved otherwise.
This proverb stands as an important leadership principle. Directional unity must be agreed upon, otherwise, eventual division and disunity is inevitable. It may look as if you are walking together, but after a while, your paths will diverge.
The wise recognize the necessity of visional unity. The one who would walk together with God, must constantly listen to and agree to His voice and vision. The one who would lead in God’s name, must constantly check the unity of the flock. For sheep are always prone to wander.
December 9, 2018
Writing in the 9th century BC, the prophet Joel opened his book with warnings concerning a plague of locusts. He warned that the locusts were only a small thing compared to the coming Day of the Lord. He encouraged God’s people to repent “while there is time.”
This is a recurring theme in Scripture. Repent, turning away from sin and turning toward God, before the Day of judgment comes. How much time do we have to repent? Only God knows. But the time is short. Therefore, we must turn to God, while we hear His voice. For there is a time when it will be too late.
What does repentance look like? Joel, speaking for the Lord, described both an inward and outward aspect. First, inwardly we are to give God our hearts. This is the Great Commandment. Love God with all your heart. Put God on the throne of your heart. Second, there is an outward aspect. Joel gave three outward signs of inward repentance, namely, “fasting, weeping, and mourning.” Yet, these mean nothing without heart change. But with inward repentance, these three are appropriate expressions.
Don’t ask, “How much time do we have?’ Instead, turn to God now. For “now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation” (2 Cor. 6:2).
December 8, 2018
There are those whose sins have so overcome them that they are as one who thought only to play with fire, yet are now engulfed in flames. God calls us to “rescue” such sinners. Not gently, but boldly “snatching them from the flames.” Our manner is to be guided by the severity of the sin and its imminent outcome. In contrast to the “shameless shepherds” (Jude 12), who only care for themselves, we are to risk our lives to rescue sinners caught in a self-inflicted conflagration. For rescuers often get burned themselves. Yet, we act as the hands of Christ, depending on His gospel and power to rescue.
Then there are those who need our mercy and compassion. Their sins hang on them like filthy clothes. Let us remember what Jesus commanded those who witnessed His raising of Lazarus from the dead, “Take off his grave clothes and let him go” (John 11:44). Such a one may be born again, but still needs help removing the old fleshly garment of sin, which is the old nature. We are to mercifully teach them to put off the old nature and to put on the new.
We are to be as God’s first responders, sometimes as God’s fireman, rescuing sinners from sin’s flames, and other times as God’s paramedics, helping cut away their still smoking clothes.
December 6, 2018
One of the 15 psalms of ascent, written to prepare the hearts of worshipers as they climbed up to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Entourages of pilgrims like the one that traveled from Nazareth with young, 12-year-old Jesus, would have sung these songs as they came to celebrate Passover.
In this verse, the psalmist revealed his intimate knowledge of Jerusalem, although built on the hills of Zion, Moriah, Bezethah, and Acra, it was surrounded by hills at even higher elevations, such as Mt. Olivet to its East. This gave visiting pilgrims who arrived from the East an excellent view of the Temple Mount, which sat on hills surrounded by valleys and then higher mountains surrounding them. No wonder Jesus loved praying on the Mount of Olives. It gave Him a wonderful view of Jerusalem.
The psalmist compared the mountains that surrounded Jerusalem to the way the Lord surrounds His people. One can almost see him sitting on the Mount of Olives writing this psalm. Indeed, wasn’t it the Spirit of God that inspired him? And wasn’t it Immanuel, the Lord Jesus, who loved sitting in the same spot when He came?
Have you considered how the Lord is with you today?
December 4, 2018
The apostle John gave several “proofs” of new birth for the believer’s assurance. The first proof he gave is that we love each other. For love comes from God. If we don’t love, we don’t know God. The second proof is that God has given us His Holy Spirit “as proof that we live in him and he in us” (1 Jn. 4:13). And the third proof, is that “we declare that Jesus is the Son of God.”
John’s purpose for writing his first epistle was clearly given: “I have written this to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know you have eternal life” (1 Jn. 5:13). He wanted us to “know,” to be sure that we are saved.
Do you have this assurance of salvation today?
December 3, 2018
John here describes the fruit of being born again, namely, that those with God’s life in them, no longer make a practice of sin. Sin is no longer their habit. This is not the precondition of salvation. For salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. Yet, the fruit of having received this salvation is that the child of God is putting off the old nature with its sinful desires and putting on the new nature, which loves God and neighbor.
There is a positional truth and an experiential truth in view here. First, the believer is already counted righteous before God positionally in Christ. But experientially, that same believer is still working out their salvation in this world, putting off the old man and putting on the new. So, perfection, complete sinlessness, will not be the believer’s experience until the glorified body is received. On that day, position and experience will be the same.
Until that day, let us work out what God is working in us (Phil. 2:12-13), knowing that Christ is our Advocate before the Father and depending on Him to complete that which He began in us.
December 2, 2018
The angel Gabriel was sent by God in response to Daniel’s prayer during the time of the evening sacrifice. He said a command was given the moment Daniel began praying. One Hebrew scholar read Daniel’s recorded prayer aloud and noted that it took about 3 minutes.
So, we might conclude that there is no communication delay between earth and heaven when one of God’s precious ones prays. However, the angelic response time seems to be about 3 minutes.
Of course, that theory is tested by the next chapter, when Daniel fasts and prays for 3 weeks (Dan. 10:2). Again, Gabriel informed Daniel that God had immediately heard and responded to his prayer. Yet, this time it took Gabriel 3 weeks to carry out God’s command. For there was spiritual warfare with the “prince of Persia” (Dan. 10:13) that delayed him.
In both cases, the Lord heard and responded to Daniel’s prayers immediately, but the time of the response varied from 3 minutes to 3 weeks.
So, what may we conclude? God hears our prayers and responds immediately, there is no time delay. However, from our perspective, we must continue to faithfully pray, for the arrival of the answer can vary greatly.
November 30, 2018
There are two threads of Messianic prophecy in the Old Testament. One, speaks of the Suffering Servant, as in Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53. The second, of the Victorious King, who would judge the nations and establish His eternal kingdom, as in the verse quoted above. The first advent (“Advent” means “coming” or “arrival”) was announced by angels to the shepherds in Bethlehem. The second advent, according to Jesus, will be announced by “the mighty blast of a trumpet” (Matt. 24:31) and the appearance of the Son of Man in the clouds (Matt. 24:30).
Who is this Son of Man? When Jesus was brought before the Jewish council and the high priest asked, “Are you the Messiah?” Jesus responded, “I AM. And you will see the Son of Man seated in the place of power at God’s right hand and coming on the clouds of heaven” (Mark 14:62). Jesus used the covenantal name of God, “I AM” (“YHWH”) and quoted Daniel 7:13 in His response.
Jesus is both Son of Man and Son of God. He has come and He is coming again.