September 22, 2018
Have you ever felt as if your prayers are bouncing back to you off the ceiling? That your prayers are being hindered? There are many reasons your prayers might feel impeded. For instance, a husband mistreating his wife will find his prayers hindered (1 Pet. 3:7).
In fact, if you do something to offend a family member or friend and you don’t ask for forgiveness, doesn’t it hinder your communication with them? Certainly it does. Similarly, when we offend God, it affects our communication with Him. Because sin is an offense against God. Sin separates. It hinders communication. And isn’t that what prayer is? Communication with God? So, unconfessed sin absolutely hinders our prayer life.
Yet in confessing, we agree with God that we have offended Him and that we need His forgiveness. Confessing our sin, God hears our prayers and answers. As the apostle John wrote, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).
So let us join with the psalmist and confess our sins, that our prayers might not be hindered. And that we might experience the forgiveness and cleansing of God’s “unfailing love” through His Son, Jesus Christ.
September 21, 2018
It’s hard to describe the joy of having children who have trusted Jesus and who follow Him faithfully. Yet, we cannot take credit. For just as our children are a gift from the Lord (Psa. 127:3), so it is God’s mercy and grace that they have become children of God. It was the Lord who enabled us to provide for our children and raise them up in His admonitions. But we could not give them a new heart. We could pray with them, read the Bible to them, take them to church, and try to give them a good example to follow, but we could not save them. Only Christ can do that. And we are so glad that He has. What indescribable joy it is to see them living for Jesus!
Now, we must pray for our children’s children . . .
September 20, 2018
David asked the Lord to protect him from the threats and bitter words of his enemies. Instead of responding in kind, he asked the Lord to defend him. He described those who assaulted him with threats as as “evil mob,” and a “gang of wrongdoers.” He accused them of using their words as weapons, portraying their tongues as “swords” and their bitter words as “arrows.”
The one who said, “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me,” must’ve never heard hurtful words. The truth is that words can do great damage. How do we respond? We can respond like David by lifting up our hurts and complaints to the Lord. Let the Lord defend you. Let God be your shelter and protection from the threats and bitter words of others.
September 18, 2018
The Lord told Isaiah that the people of Judah would be known for rebelling against Him, telling the prophets to stop preaching about the coming judgment and the Messiah. In their rebellion against God, it seemed they could no longer tolerate sound teaching, especially anything about the “Holy One of Israel.”
There are many today who would silence the preaching of God’s Word, especially any mention of the Holy One, Jesus Christ. In some settings, the preacher is actually allowed to pray publicly, but asked not to say the name of Jesus. Yet, there remains a people in the earth who have given their hearts to Christ, who love to hear the name of Jesus and the preaching of His Word.
Besides it isn’t really preaching if we don’t preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. As the apostle Paul said, “I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified” (1 Cor. 2:2). And later he said, “Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!” (1 Cor. 9:16).
When our preaching team prepares sermons, we always ask ourselves, “Are we preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ?” Otherwise, we are just saying “nice things” that have no power. We cannot stop telling others about the Holy One, Jesus Christ!
September 17, 2018
In the midst of Isaiah’s prophecy concerning the nations, he makes this declaration concerning the Lord. The Lord is a strong tower of refuge and a shelter for the poor and distressed. As we consider the aftermath of Hurricane Florence on Eastern NC, may we take encouragement from Isaiah’s words. Many have lost homes and possessions, but the Lord is a refuge to the poor. Many are getting up this day and feeling discouraged. But the Lord is a shelter from the muggy heat and distress that follows a storm..
Let us offer help and serve those who are in need in the name of Jesus. And let us also make sure to pray for them and offer this word from Isaiah to them, that the Lord is a strong tower and refuge from the storm!
September 16, 2018
Isaiah prophesied the destruction of the seaport city of ancient Tyre. He spoke of God’s power over land and sea. In the aftermath of Hurricane Florence, we are thankful for God’s protection. We are reminded of what the disciples of Jesus said of Him after He calmed the storm on the Sea of Galilee, “Even the winds and the sea obey Him” (Matt. 8:27).
Thank you Lord for your protection and care. Now, empower us to help our neighbors throughout Eastern NC who have been hurt by the storm. Amen.
September 15, 2018
The Lord spoke through Isaiah concerning a day when the rivalry between Egypt and Assyria would end, and Israel would no longer be the battleground between them. This must have been an astounding prophecy for that time. For Egypt and Assyria had been sworn enemies and Israel suffered between them in a brutal tug-of-war. Yet, the Lord said a day was coming when a “highway” would connect them.
There have been partial fulfillments of this prophecy since Isaiah’s time. Under Cyrus, the Persian king, there was peace between the three. And again, under Alexander, the three were under one banner for a brief time. But then, after Alexander’s death, his empire was divided into four. The Ptolemaic Empire was over Egypt and the Seleucid Empire was over what was formerly Assyria. Again, the land of Israel was the battleground between them until the time of Roman rule, when peace once again prevailed for a time.
Perhaps it was the Roman period that Isaiah foresaw. For it was during that time that Christ came and the “blessed” message of the cross was carried on Roman “highways” throughout the empire and beyond. Yet, surely there is a Day coming when the ultimate fulfillment will take place.
September 14, 2018
The prophet Isaiah received this word from the Lord concerning the people of Israel. They had lowered their eyes from the Creator to the creation, looking to their idols for help and worshiping the work of their own hands. As a result, a day was coming when their cities would fall, their crops fail, and the glory of Israel grow dim. Yet in that day, the people would pull their eyes off of their idols and look again to the Lord.
Someone has said that true worship is pulling our affections off our idols and putting them on God. The Israelites of Isaiah’s day had broken the first two commandments of the Decalogue. They had put other gods before the Lord and they had made and worshiped graven images. The Lord would not allow His chosen people to continue in this way. His discipline was sending first the Assyrians, and later the Babylonians, to help Israel remember their God.
What will it take for us to pull our affections off of our material manmade stuff and put them on God? Will it take another event like 9/11 or the devastation of a hurricane to pull our eyes off of the temporal to consider the eternal? The word that the Lord gave Isaiah for his people is just as true for us today, as it was for them.
September 13, 2018
Paul’s final instructions in his second letter to the Corinthians sought to correct the disharmony he had heard about. They were not submissive to his authority, they were spiritually immature, they struggled with grumbling and gossip. In this condition, the God of love and peace would refuse to be manifest in their midst.
When a church is marked by such things as the one in Corinth, the word, “Ichabod” (Hebrew: “No glory”), may as well be written over it. For the glory of God will not reside in such a gathering. It “grieves” (Eph. 4:30) the Spirit of God when His people are not acting in unity and love.
Remember how the Lord Jesus warned the church of Ephesus to repent or He would “remove their lampstand” (Rev. 2:5)? The lampstand is symbolic of God’s presence and glory, which is like a beacon of light that attracts people to Him.
Church, do you want the God of love and peace to shine His glorious light down upon you? Then, “Be joyful. Grow to maturity. Encourage each other. Live in harmony and peace.”
September 12, 2018
Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians expressed his concern and desire for the church he had planted there. He was planning to visit them for the third time, but he had heard many worrisome things about how they had not given up their “old sins.” He didn’t want his future visit to be one of difficult discipline, but of joyful reunion. Because he loved them like a father, he was ready to do either, but preferred the latter.
I think we see something of the Father’s heart in Paul’s parental care for the Corinthians. I wonder. If we would receive a letter from Jesus today, would it express similar concern? Would Jesus warn us that he is coming soon, expressing His concern that He won’t like what He finds?