October 13, 2018
The Lord gave Jeremiah this prophecy concerning Jehoiachin, grandson of King Josiah, that he would be childless. The prophecy further explained that his childlessness would not be due to not having any sons, but that none of them would sit on David’s throne. Indeed, Jehoiachin was taken into Babylonian captivity, where he had children, among them was his grandson, Zerubabbel, who later returned to Jerusalem, not as a king, but as a leader who lead in the rebuilding of the Temple. So, Jeremiah’s prophecy was fulfilled. No one from Jehoiachin’s line has ever sat on David’s throne.
Yet, if this is so, how would God fulfill His promise to David that the Messiah would come from his line, so that he always had a son to sit on his throne? In addition, what of Matthew’s genealogy that seems to state that Jesus was indeed born into Jehoiachin’s line (Jehoiachin was also called Jeconiah as in Matt. 1:12)? Doesn’t this show that Jeremiah’s prophecy was inaccurate?
The answer to the questions concerning Matthew’s genealogy is that it gives the line of Joseph, so that Jesus has legal claim to David’s throne through His stepfather.
And the answer to how Jesus can claim human descent from David is found in Luke 3:31, where the line of Jesus is traced through Mary’s line to David’s son, Nathan, the older brother of Solomon.
October 12, 2018
Paul’s instruction to the Thessalonians is straight out of the Jesus playbook! Didn’t Jesus teach us to turn the other cheek and to pray for those who persecute us? This is a hard saying, for it goes against our desire to inflict pain back onto those who injure us. Yet, it is one of the most radical responses that we can make. For it breaks the cycle of evil by overcoming evil with good. To love our enemies is to be like Jesus who died for us while we were yet sinners.
Who has hurt you today and you are even now thinking about how to hurt them back? Stop. Release your hurt to the Lord, asking Him to defend you, so that you might do good even to that one who has hurt you.
October 11, 2018
The apostle Paul urged the Thessalonian believers to live in a way that pleased God. He followed his urging with several practical instructions on how they might live a holy life. Yet his instruction was based on the reality of their faith in Christ. For the key to living a life that pleases God is faith. As we read in Hebrews, “And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him” (Heb. 11:6). So, it is our faith in Christ that saves us and our faith in His indwelling Spirit that empowers us to live a life that pleases God. As Paul told the Romans, “The righteous shall live by faith” (Rom. 1:17).
October 9, 2018
Paul and Silas had been severely mistreated and jailed in the nearby city of Philippi before coming to Thessalonica. Yet that did not cause them to be timid in sharing the Gospel. For God gave them courage to declare “His Good News” to them boldly.
When we’ve been hurt or harassed for telling others about Jesus, it often has the effect of causing us to remain silent. Perhaps even the thought that people would make fun of us, or reject us, discourages us from declaring the Gospel. But when we are obedient to open our mouths, God is faithful to encourage and embolden us in declaring the Good News, so that sinners are saved by hearing and believing. Our conviction that the Gospel is the very power of God unto salvation (Rom.1:16), makes us bold.
October 8, 2018
In the context of the previous verse, in which Paul told the Colossians to conduct themselves wisely around unbelievers, he went on in this verse to give them instructions concerning their conversation around unbelievers as well. He taught them that their conduct and conversation should line up with their faith, so that those who are not believers might be moved to ask about the hope that they have.
Paul gave two attributes and one goal for our conversation when unbelievers are present:
Two Attributes:
1) Let your conversation be gracious. Our words should carry the beauty and blessing that comes with the favor God has shown us.
2) Let your conversation be attractive. Literally, “seasoned with salt.” Salt is something we add to our food for added flavor. What would make our words taste better, so that they are attractive? Blessing people with the “salty” truths of God’s Word.
One Goal:
Be prepared to give the right response concerning the hope you have in Christ. When our conversation is gracious and attractive and our conduct is wise, unbelievers want to know why. This is the opportunity for gospel sharing. As the apostle Peter wrote, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect” (1 Pet. 3:15).
October 7, 2018
Paul encouraged the Colossians believers to set their hearts and minds on things above, pulling them off the things of earth. He wanted them to focus on things that are eternal, not the temporal things that will not last. He encouraged them to remember that their lives are already hidden in Christ, and that Christ would soon return.
In a few weeks, those of us in the Eastern US will reset our clocks from DST to EST. We will “fall back” an hour. For a few days we will feel as though we got an extra hour sleep, but then we will quickly adapt to the new time. It only requires a small adjustment. But when we travel to Africa or Indonesia or some other far away place to visit our missionary partners, the adjustment is much more severe. We experience jet lag. Our bodies might be in Uganda, but our internal clocks are still in North Carolina! It can be very disorienting.
But I’ve learned that it helps alleviate jet lag to start setting your time on your destination as soon as you get on the plane. We may not have taken off yet, but we can go ahead and set our clocks on our destination’s time.
Where’s your focus today? Dear believer, your life is already hidden in Christ, yet your body is still here on earth. Why not go ahead and set your sights on the realities of heaven? Let the things of earth “grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.”
October 6, 2018
Paul warned the believers in Colossae that asceticism, while it gives the appearance of wisdom, offers no help in conquering evil desires. In fact, following a list of “don’ts” might cause a deeper longing for the thing denied. At the very least, it can lead to a kind of spiritual pride, so that the ascetic feels superior to those addicted to the things of the flesh.
The truth is, the more I focus on not doing something, the more I think about that something that I’m not doing. So, what is the answer? “Put off” the old nature which lost its power over you when received Christ. Count it dead, crucified with Christ. And immediately “put on” the new nature, which is yours in the risen Christ. Remember that in Christ there is no longer any condemnation. All your sins are forgiven. You are no longer a slave to sin, but a bondservant of Christ. You belong to Christ Jesus.
Following Christ is not about religious rule-keeping, but about walking in the new relationship we have as children of God in Christ Jesus.
October 5, 2018
Paul often “agonized” for the believers in towns and cities where he had been before, but had left behind in order to carry the gospel to other places. Colossae was one of these places. Located in the province of Asia Minor (Modern day Turkey), Colossae was the least of three cities found in the Lycus valley, the other two, Hieropolis and Laodicea, being more prominent. Although we have no record of who planted the church in Colossae, the apostle Paul certainly must have passed through this area on one of his many missionary journeys. In fact, he spent three years ministering in the city of Ephesus, which was only 119 miles from Colossae or a week’s travel on foot. Yet, Paul agonized over the saints in places like Colossae and Laodicea, which he named in the verse above.
What did Paul mean by saying he “agonized” over them? Perhaps the best understanding is found in Dr. Strong’s definition of the Greek word, ἀγών (“agon”), as an “intense solicitude or anxiety.” Paul wrestled in his prayers and thoughts over the believers in Colossae, Laodicea and even those he didn’t know personally. What a heart Paul had for the sheep the Great Shepherd had entrusted to him!
Today, the sites of Hieropolis, Laodicea and Colossae are in ruins, with Colossae only being marked by a sign on what archaeologists call a “tel” (“An unexcavated mound”). The places may now lie in ruins, but the people that placed their trust in Christ are now in that everlasting city not made by human hands.
October 4, 2018
The Lord gave Jeremiah this prophecy concerning Judah and Israel, that after a time of being scattered, God would bring them back and give them “shepherds” after His own heart. Perhaps the first fulfillment of this prophecy may be seen in Nehemiah, Ezra, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi, who were godly shepherds that led the people back to the land. Yet, the ultimate fulfillment of this prophecy is found in Christ and the apostles. For Christ identified himself as the “Good Shepherd [who] gives His life for the sheep” (John 10:11). Christ is the “Chief Shepherd” (1 Pet. 5:4) of God’s flock and He gave His apostles the responsibility of being shepherds under His authority. Didn’t Jesus tell Peter, “If you love me, feed my sheep.”?
When Jesus saw the multitudes coming to Him, all weary and scattered, He was moved with compassion and saw that they were like “sheep without a shepherd” (Matt. 9:36).
Have you yet brought your cares and troubles to the Good Shepherd? He is the fulfillment of all the prophets and the True Shepherd of God’s flock. Let the Lord Jesus be your Shepherd and you shall no longer be in want.
October 3, 2018
While imprisoned in Rome, the apostle Paul writes this command, “Rejoice in the Lord always!” He then repeats it for emphasis. What state of mind is this that even chains can’t remove its smile, nor imprisonment stop its song? It is the joy that comes from the Lord as a “fruit of the Spirit” (Gal. 5:22). It is the gladness that always fills those who abide in the Lord (See John 15:11).
Everyone wants to be happy. But happiness is fleeting for it depends on favorable happenings. When circumstances are good, happiness is possible. External conditions affect happiness. But joy comes from within, where the Spirit of Christ dwells in those who believe. It is not affected by changing circumstance, but rests in the unchanging presence and promises of the Lord.
So, those who are in Christ can choose where to set their minds–– on the temporal things of this world, or on the eternal things we have in Christ. What will you choose today? God’s Word teaches us to always choose joy!