“For Christ didn’t send me to baptize, but to preach the Good News—and not with clever speech, for fear that the cross of Christ would lose its power” (1 Corinthians 1:17 NLT).

August 4, 2018

Perhaps more than any other epistle, Paul’s letter to the Corinthians was corrective. He had heard that there were divisions among them based on who had baptized them, claiming superiority by some fleshly view of spiritual lineage. But Paul would have none of it. He reminded them that it wasn’t who baptized them that mattered, nor was it important that the preacher who had led them to Christ was the most eloquent. What mattered was the simple yet powerful message of the cross of Christ.

The Corinthians were lovers of Greek culture and rhetoric. They seemed more enamored with the quality of the speaker, than with the power of the message. Paul made the point that it was the simplicity of the gospel that was key to its power. The point of preaching the gospel wasn’t to make the preacher famous, but to make Jesus famous!

“I am planning to go to Spain, and when I do, I will stop off in Rome. And after I have enjoyed your fellowship for a little while, you can provide for my journey” (Romans 15:24 NLT).

August 3, 2018

What we know from Scripture is that Paul did indeed visit Rome, carried there to appear before Caesar under Roman guard. According to the final verses in Acts (Acts 28:30-31), Paul was held under house arrest in Rome for two years awaiting trial, yet had great freedom to preach and teach about Jesus while there. But Scripture is silent on what happened next.

From the writings of early church fathers such as Clement, who wrote around 95 AD, Paul was apparently released after two years in Rome and was able to journey to Spain before being brought back to Rome and being beheaded by Nero around the year 67 AD. While there is little certainty about whether Paul was able to carry the gospel to Spain, the fact that Clement’s writings are only 30 years afterwards lends credence to the possibility.

I like to think that the Lord allowed Paul to take one more journey to a place where the gospel had not yet been heard before completing his earthly journey. At any rate, I am moved by the passion the Spirit had given Paul to obey the Great Commission and to make disciples of all nations.

“I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13 NLT).

August 1, 2018

This hope for which Paul prays is not the stuff of wishes and wants, but of sterner stuff, made sure by the Lord Himself. It is hope that rejoices as it looks forward with confidence to an eternal future with Christ. This hope is like a rope, anchored on one end by the truth of Christ’s resurrection and passing beyond the veil to be anchored in the promise of Christ’s sure return. Those who trust in Christ overflow with this confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Do you know this confident hope today?

“So then, let us aim for harmony in the church and try to build each other up” (Romans 14:19 NLT).

July 31, 2018

Literally, Paul said that believers are to “pursue peace” and “edify” one another. Yet, the NLT’s use of the word “harmony” here is appropriate, because it captures Paul’s desire to preserve unity in the church, while allowing for diversity of individual conscience. The point of harmony in music is that different parts, such as soprano, alto, tenor and bass, may be sung, yet they sound unified and beautiful together. Similarly, even though Christians from a Jewish background may follow a kosher diet, they shouldn’t expect believers from a Gentile background to do the same. They both should seek to sing praises to Jesus Christ, even though they may do so in a unique voice.

Paul wanted to make it clear that Gentiles didn’t have to become Jewish in order to become Christians. They didn’t have to celebrate the same holidays, nor eat the same foods. These were cultural distinctives and matters of the conscience, not necessities of the faith. Paul warned believers not to major in the minors, as it were. Don’t focus on disputable matters which divide, instead focus on that which will build one another up in Christ.

Romans 14 is a profound instruction for those that would obey the Great Commission to make disciples of “all nations.” For we are not called to make Americans, or Southerners, but disciples of Jesus Christ. Our pursuit is unity around the gospel of Jesus and building one another up to maturity in Him.

“Love does no wrong to others, so love fulfills the requirements of God’s law” (Romans 13:10 NLT).

July 30, 2018

Paul worked out the implications of what it means to love one’s neighbor by naming four of the Ten Commandments (“Thou shalt not kill, commit adultery, steal nor covet”), and concluding that love fulfills them and all other such commandments. The positive commandment to “love thy neighbor” fulfills all the negative commandments not to wrong others.

Loving one another is the mark of the redeemed community. For Jesus taught that we are to “love one another as He has loved us and that by this everyone will know that we are His disciples” (John 13:34-35).

“Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other” (Romans 12:10 NLT).

July 29, 2018

In Romans 12, Paul described how those who have offered their bodies as a living sacrifice and have received a transformed mind that knows God’s will, should live with each other. In verse 10, Paul gave two marks of how people with this new mind should live with each other in this new community of believers. The two marks are love and honor. These two marks might be considered as summary of how believers are to feel (“love”) and think (“honor”) towards one another. The members of this new community are to love each other with “genuine” or brotherly affection, as members of God’s family. They are to feel towards one another like a loving family. As they come together, they are to “delight in honoring each other,” esteeming each other as better than themselves.
This new community of members who love and honor each other is the body of Christ, which is the church. They feel and think towards each other as the Spirit within enables them. Has your mind, your emotions and thoughts towards one another, been transformed, so that you love and honor each other?

“I am saying all this especially for you Gentiles. God has appointed me as the apostle to the Gentiles. I stress this” (Romans 11:13 NLT).

July 28, 2018

Although Paul had spent a considerable amount of time in his letter to the Romans addressing how the gospel was first given to the Jews and then to the Gentiles, he reminded the Gentiles of his calling to them. For Paul was an “apostle,” literally meaning, “one sent,” as Christ’s ambassador to the Gentiles. As a Jew, Paul had obeyed Christ’s instruction in Acts 1:8 to be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and ends of the earth. Paul had followed that order of priority in his witness. Yet, it soon became clear to him that he was called to “the ends of the earth,” to reach the Gentiles nations.

So, we’re called to start in our Jerusalem, our hometown with our family, sharing the gospel. Yet, ultimately we too are called to carry the gospel to the nations. Is there a certain people group that the Spirit has put on your heart? Go to the Joshua Project website (joshuaproject.net) and pray over the unreached people groups, asking the Lord to give you direction. Is there a UPG that the Lord would have your pray, give and go to reach?

“And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent?” (Romans 10:15 NLT).

July 27, 2018

After concluding that “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Rom. 10:13), Paul described a series of logical steps necessary for someone to “call on” the Lord for salvation. He offered four steps in rhetorical question form (See Rom. 10:14):
1) “How can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him?”
2) “How can they believe in him if they have never heard about him?”
3) “How can they hear about him unless someone tells them?”
4) “How will anyone go and tell them without being sent?”

So, Paul’s list of questions leads us to the conclusion that unless someone is sent to share the gospel, people will not be able to call on the Lord for salvation. However, this difficulty has been overcome. For the Lord Jesus has said, “As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you” (John 20:21). So, Christ was sent by the Father and now every Christ-follower is sent by the Son. Every believer is an ambassador, a messenger sent by the Savior with the message of salvation.

Every believer has been sent to go and tell the good news that Jesus saves!

“For Christ has already accomplished the purpose for which the law was given. As a result, all who believe in him are made right with God” (Romans 10:4 NLT).

July 26, 2018

Romans chapter 9 explained how God chose the Jews according to His own mercy and divine will, not according to any willing or working on their parts (Rom. 9:16). Now in chapter 10, Paul explains that even though God had selected the Jews to receive His law, and even more, that they were selected to be the people to which the Promised Seed, Jesus Christ, was given, this special selection of God did not negate the requirement that they must believe in Christ in order to be saved. Their selection did not negate their responsibility to believe.

Now everyone, whether Jew or Gentile, can be made right with God through faith in Christ Jesus, His Son.

“So it is God who decides to show mercy. We can neither choose it nor work for it” (Romans 9:16 NLT).

July 25, 2018

God shows mercy according to His own will and according to His own character. It is not in response to man’s will and works, yet this does not negate man’s responsibility. God shows mercy, not out of obligation, nor any indebtedness to humanity. For God’s mercy is an attribute of God’s character and is directed by God’s perfect will.

God’s mercy is on display in the cross of Christ. For God demonstrated His love and mercy toward us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Rom. 5:8). So, God did this not in response to us, but according to His own love and mercy. However, this message of the cross, which is the gospel, still requires a faith response from us in order to be recipients of God’s mercy.