November 9, 2017
Why is there such a longing in the human soul? Why this emptiness that no physical thing, nor human relationship can fill? We hunger and thirst, so we attempt to satisfy our craving, but to no avail. Since nothing of this world satisfies the soul, isn’t this evidence that it was made for something or someone beyond it?
Surely, the hole within our soul is a residual echo of the fallen image of God within us. And it can only be filled by Jesus Christ. Of whom the apostle Paul wrote, “Christ is the visible image of the invisible God… Everything was created through him and for him” (Col. 1:15-16).
We were made by Christ and “for” Christ. The longing of the human soul will never be satisfied with anything or anyone other than Christ!
November 9, 2017
The psalmist concluded with an admonition that all people should shout “Amen,” when they hear the Lord being praised. “Amen” is more than the word we teach children to say at the end of their prayers. Some use it casually as a word of affirmation, or to say, “I agree.” It literally means, “So be it!” Yet for the Christ-follower, it takes on the further meaning of, “Let it be so in me!”
After the reading of God’s Word on Sundays, I usually say, “This is God’s Word.” To which the congregation responds, “Amen!” By doing so, they are affirming the statement’s truth, while also opening up their hearts and minds to receive it.
November 7, 2017
The old covenant, which was the law mediated through Moses, was written on stone tablets. But the new covenant, which is by the grace of God through Jesus, is written on human hearts. The purpose of the old covenant was never to save, but to prepare a people for the Savior. The new covenant supersedes the old. The problem with the old covenant was not its content, but the character of the people, for they could not keep it in the flesh. The superiority of the new covenant is evident in that it overcomes the flesh by the power of the Spirit that comes to dwell in those who receive Christ as Savior and Lord.
Has the Lord put His Word in your mind and written it upon your heart? Have you received the new covenant in Jesus Christ?
November 6, 2017
The law can reflect, but not perfect. It is like a mirror that reveals sin, but it has no power over the flesh to remove it. Instead of bringing us closer to God, the law shows how vast is our separation. It was never given to save, but to point to our need for a Savior. Those who hope in the law will die. Yet, there is a “better hope” found in Christ alone. For those who have put their hope in Christ are able to “draw near” to God with “a true heart in full assurance of faith” (Heb. 10:22).
November 5, 2017
During the prophet Ezekiel’s day, Israel had received many warnings from God through His prophets, yet they did not see or hear. They could have repented and the Lord’s judgment would have been turned away. But they did not repent. They continued in their rebellion. For rebellion against God blinds the eye and deafens the ear to spiritual things. Even when the Lord Jesus Christ Himself came to them centuries later, they still were spiritually dull. For didn’t He quote the prophet Isaiah to them saying, “This people’s heart has grown dull, and with their ears they can barely hear, and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and turn, and I would heal them” (Matt. 13:14-15, Isa. 6:9-10).
As Jesus often said, “He that has ears to hear, let him hear.” If you hear the Word of God speaking to you today, listen, repent and receive the healing that He alone offers. And if you know someone who is hurting and far from God, pray that their eyes and ears would be opened that they might receive the same.
November 4, 2017
Stop only discussing the doctrines of Christ and start following them. Grow up in the knowledge of Jesus. As Paul wrote, “Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up” (1 Cor. 8:1). So, move on from head knowledge to heart knowledge, which is a change of character that leads to a change of conduct. Better to know one thing of Christ and do it, than to know one hundred and practice none of them. Keep growing in knowledge, not that you might keep “laying again” the foundations of your faith, but that you would grow up into the Head, which is Christ. For He is the “Perfection,” that God wills for you.
November 3, 2017
Ezekiel was among the second group of exiles taken into Babylonian captivity along with their Judean king, Jehoachin in the year 597 BC. He wrote this record “in the sixth year” of their exile. This was six years before the complete destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar in the year 586 BC. As the exiled elders sat with Ezekiel, they must have been heartsick for their home. They must have felt forsaken of God. Yet, the “Lord God fell upon” Ezekiel in their midst and carried him in a vision to Jerusalem to see that they were actually the ones that God had preserved. For Jerusalem would soon be destroyed because of its violence and idolatry.
Jerusalem had the prophet Jeremiah warning them to repent and submit to Nebuchadnezzar in order to live. While the exiles in Babylon had the prophet Ezekiel revealing to them the reason for God’s judgment. The elders in Jerusalem thought their Temple protected them, that God would never allow it to fall, but they were wrong. His eye was actually on the exiles as the remnant that He would preserve. He would call them 70 years later to return and rebuild the Temple in preparation for the Messiah’s arrival.
November 2, 2017
The psalmist made a determined promise to himself that he would always sing praises to the Lord. As long has he had breath, he had decided in advance that he would worship God.
When I would visit my grandmother in the nursing home, she no longer remembered my name. Old age had stolen much of her mind. Yet, when my mother and I would begin to sing a hymn, her face would immediately light up, and she would join in, remembering every word. She and my mother had been in a gospel quartet for many years, so she automatically took the alto part, while my mother took the soprano and me the bass. She didn’t remember her daughter or grandson, but she still knew her Lord. And she sang His praises as long as she lived.
I desire to follow her example.
November 2, 2017
The Lord gave the prophet Ezekiel a three-part calling: 1) Eat the scroll containing His Word, 2) go to Israel, and 3) preach the Word to Israel. When Ezekiel ate the scroll, it tasted like “honey.” But as he prepared to go to Israel to preach, the Lord warned him that the people would not listen. Yet, the Lord still expected him to preach whether they heard or refused to hear. He was to focus on internalizing the Word and preaching the Word. The results were up to God.
This is still the preacher’s task. Study, preach and leave the results up to God.
October 31, 2017
David attempted to describe the size of God’s mercy by comparing it to the heavens and earth. He imagined the height of God’s mercy as rising as high as the heavens, and the breadth of His mercy being as wide as the “east is from the west.” Yet, in Jesus Christ, such comparisons are no longer needed. For in Him we have God’s mercy on display. What is the height of God’s loving mercy? Isn’t it the height of the cross on Calvary’s hill where Jesus was hung between heaven and earth? What is the breadth of God’s forgiving mercy? Isn’t it seen in Christ’s outstretched arms on the cross with His hands nailed to its cruel beam. The height and breadth of God’s mercy is most clearly revealed in the cross of Christ. Look at the cross. That’s how much God loves us. That’s how far He has gone to forgive us.