August 31, 2017
God speaks, asking Job where he was when the universe was created and the singing and shouting of worship first resounded. Who or what are these “morning stars” that sing and these “sons of God” that shout? Many see both of these as metaphors for angelic beings. Certainly, Isaiah described Lucifer as a “morning star” before his fall (Isa.14:12). Yet, surprisingly the Lord may actually be referring to the stars themselves. As Dr Bill Chaplin, an asteroseismologist at Birmingham University, has reported, “Essentially stars resonate like a huge musical instrument.” In other words, stars sing! Even the stars were made to worship the Lord!
August 30, 2017
The combined effect of having received both the “mercy” and the “ministry” of the gospel strengthened the apostle Paul, so that he did not “lose heart.” The same should cause us to persevere in sharing the gospel. For as Paul also wrote, God has “reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation” (2 Cor. 5:18).
August 29, 2017
The apostle Paul said that he did not need letters or “epistles” of commendation from the believers in Corinth because they were his living “epistles.” They were walking testaments of the gospel of Christ that was “ministered” to them through him. So, Christ was the author and Paul the amanuensis and the Holy Spirit the “ink” by which the gospel was written on their hearts. This is a beautiful picture of discipleship and its fruit.
You may say that you have not written any books, nor had any written about you. Yet, if you are involved in giving the gospel out to others, they have become your “epistles.” If you are involved in life on life discipleship, your disciples are your living legacy.
August 28, 2017
The grief that covered Job like a cloud affected even his ear for music. The harp, a stringed instrument, was often employed by David to lighten the mood of King Saul. It was an instrument used in worship and in times of celebration. Yet, to Job’s ear, the vibration of the strings sounded mournful, vibrating at the frequency of his sorrowing soul. And the flute, a wind instrument, with its light, breathy lows and clear sparkling highs, was often heard accompanied by percussion at times of feasting. But to Job, the flute had become like a weeping human voice breathing out a dirge, perhaps reminding him of the times when his children enjoyed such feasts. Grief is like that. It darkens the sights and sounds of human perception, so that the spectrum of life’s color is reduced to gray.
The book of Job helps give vocabulary to our grief. But we must read to the end. For we are not to grieve as those who have no hope (1 Thess. 4:13). Our hope is in Christ, the One who has defeated sin, death and the grave.
How does the music sound to you today?
August 27, 2017
The one who is considerate of the poor and helps, will be delivered by the Lord when trouble comes upon them. The one who helps the poor has come under the Lord’s blessing. This blessing is happiness with contentment. For the giver understands that the Lord is the Supplier and that they are merely the channel of His blessing. With this in mind the apostle Paul quoted the Lord Jesus, saying, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).
August 26, 2017
The Hebrew is literally, “The rich and poor meet…” What does this “meeting” imply? Perhaps it points to the human tendency to focus on the externals, such as wealth and material things, that often cause the rich and the poor to clash. Or perhaps it is an observation that the rich and the poor need one another. However, I like the idea that it points to the great leveling of the gospel that invites all to come to the cross on equal terms, namely, through repentance of the sin that besets rich and poor alike, and believing in Christ as the only means of salvation. It is this gospel that allows the poor to boast in their “exaltation,” and the rich in their “humiliation” (James 1:9-11). The ground is level at the cross. All who approach will recognize their common need. All who receive must recognize their common Lord, who is the Maker and Savior of us all.
August 25, 2017
David wrote this psalm to the Lord, writing of his own record of “declaring” the “righteousness, faithfulness, salvation, lovingkindness, and truth” of God before all Israel and to the surrounding peoples. His motivation for writing of his own public witness seems to be that he wanted the Lord to remember it as He considered David’s prayer requests. Surely David was not making a false claim, for the Bible often records his public declarations of God’s great character. Yet, this passage is truly fulfilled in the prophetic office of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.
Can you make the same claim as David? Do you “declare” the things of God before the people? Or have you “hidden” the gospel within?
August 24, 2017
After considering the brevity and emptiness of human life, David puts his hope in the Lord. David observed that the length of his life was as a “vapor,” and the accumulation of wealth as “vanity,” for another inherits the fruit of one’s labor. Yet, David cried out to the Lord, recognizing Him as the only way to know eternal life and purpose and depending on Him for tomorrow.
August 23, 2017
When God declared David a “man after my own heart” (Acts 13:22), it wasn’t because David was sinless. David had many shortcomings just as we all do. But David was quick to confess his sins. He shed real tears of repentance when he did wrong. He had an abiding desire to please God and do His will. It truly grieved David to sin against God. David’s heart was “loyal” (1 Kings 11:4) to the Lord.
Through Christ we can have our sins forgiven and our hearts made new. Yet, we still sometimes stumble into sin while living in this world. David’s habit of confession and repentance is still needed in our lives. As the apostle John wrote, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).
August 22, 2017
Job charged his friend, Eliphaz, with a lack of sympathy and kindness for him in his severe affliction. Instead of attempting to correct Job’s theology and fear of God, he should have been full of pity and solace towards him. Eliphaz, who had come as one of Job’s comforters, had joined his chorus of critics. So, on top of Job’s afflictions, he now had to endure the religious barbs of his friends. There is a time to correct and a time to comfort. A true friend, whose heart is motivated by love, will know when the time is right for each.