April 28, 2017
Gideon, the hesitant judge, would not be coaxed into being king. He recognized that it was the Lord, and not the people, who had called him to be a judge and lead Israel against the Midianites. Therefore, he did not recognize the people’s authority to name him king and rightly refused. He overcame the temptation to accept power that did not belong to him.
However, in this moment of victory over the Midianites and victory over temptation to power, he made the mistake of allowing the spoils of victory to become a snare to him. For the golden earrings that he requested from each of his warrior’s share of the spoils became like the golden calf to him and all of Israel. Gideon stepped over one snare only to become entangled in another.
And so we pray as the Lord Jesus taught us, “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” For even in our best moments we are still vulnerable to sin. As the apostle Paul wrote, “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall” (1 Cor. 10:12).
April 27, 2017
“Rejoice in the Lord,” not in your circumstances, for they are varied, not in yourself, for you are fickle, but find and express joy in the Lord. For He is unchanging and faithful. And “give thanks” when you remember His “holy name.” For bringing His name to your mind should always result in thanksgiving, for you know His character and His works, and they are always holy and good. So, rejoice and give thanks today in the Lord!
April 26, 2017
Gideon’s fleece test –– Was it narrative or normative? I believe it must be considered narrative, a true story described, yet not prescribed. It is not to be taken as normative, meaning that it does not teach a norm, or a timeless method, on how to discover God’s will. “Put out your fleece” is not the best advice to be taken from this Scripture for those seeking God’s will.
Perhaps a better timeless principle to see is God’s patience with us and His willingness to reveal His will to us. He met Gideon where he was, based on his level of spiritual maturity. Gideon had some faith, but still needed more encouragement. He had already taken action to obey God’s call, yet along the way he needed reassurance that he was in fact called of God. He didn’t doubt God. He doubted himself. And God answered his “fleece test” to help him overcome his self-doubt.
Jesus warned that, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign” (Matt. 16:4). So, we must be careful in how we apply Gideon’s story. It is better to believe God’s word and obey it without question. But it is good to know that God is patient with us when we struggle with self-doubt along the way.
April 25, 2017
This is the first verse of the duet sung by Deborah and Barak after the defeat of the Canaanite army. Deborah was a judge and a prophetess in Israel and Barak was the leader of the troops from the tribes of Naphtali and Zebulun. This first verse seems to have been sung by Deborah, blessing the Lord for Barak’s willingness to lead and the people’s willingness to follow him into battle.
Deborah described three important ingredients for their success in this verse that are worthy of consideration:
1) The Lord’s willingness to bless.
2) The leader’s willingness to lead.
3) The people’s willingness to serve and follow.
These three important ingredients for success are still true today for a family, a church or a nation. The Lord blesses when leaders are willing to lead and people are willing to serve according to the Lord’s instruction.
April 24, 2017
This parable is as true of the man as of the woman, yet the woman is here emphasized. Wisdom is characterized by a willingness to be faithful to the calling and gifting of the Lord. The wise woman fears the Lord and so she is fruitful in all things, loving her husband and raising her children in the admonitions of the Lord (Titus 2:4-5). She “watches over her household and does not eat the bread of idleness,” and her children and husband “rise up and call her blessed” (Prov. 31:27-28).
Foolishness wants its own way, rather than God’s way. It bucks against God’s blueprint for the home and chooses the way of ease. She blames the decline of her house on others, yet her own behavior is at the root of its demise.
Wisdom builds up, but foolishness tears down. What is the secret to receiving this wisdom for our home? Jesus Christ is the answer! As the apostle Paul wrote, “Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God” (1 Cor. 1:24). Build your house on Christ the Solid Rock!
April 23, 2017
The Israelites did not completely obey the Lord’s command to make no covenants with, nor allow any altars to the pagans of the Promised Land. Since they allowed them to stay in the land, the Lord said they would become “thorns” in their side and that their false gods would be a “snare” to them. Their failure to obey the Lord completely set the stage for the painful cycle of five recurring themes in the book of Judges: Rebellion, Rebuke, Repentance, Rescue, and Rest.
As you read the book of Judges, watch for these five themes. The Israelites will rebel, God rebukes them, they finally repent, God sends a judge to rescue them and they find rest (usually for 40 years or a generation). It’s exhausting to read because the Israelites are so unfaithful. Yet, God’s faithfulness remains consistent throughout!
April 22, 2017
As Jesus watched the people putting their gifts into the Temple offering, he offered several insights into how God sees our giving. One insight is that God sees our giving. He watches over our giving, looking to see who is generous and who is not. Another insight is that God sees the proportion of our giving. He knows whether we give sacrificially or not. He cares less about the amount of our giving and more about the motivation and proportion of our giving.
That Jesus sat near the place where he could watch those giving their offerings, and that he used it to teach his disciples about giving, should not surprise us. He wants us to understand that God cares more for the heart of the giver than the amount of the gift. Love and giving are connected. “For God so loved the world that he gave…” (John 3:16).
April 21, 2017
Joshua, sensing that he was at the end of his days, called all the Israelite leaders from every tribe together to hear his final words. He and Caleb were the last of those who remembered their slavery in Egypt. He had witnessed the ten plagues. He knew the meaning of Passover first hand. He had crossed the Red Sea on dry ground. His thirst had been quenched with water from the Rock and his hunger satisfied for 40 years with a daily provision of manna from heaven. Some in their midst may have been children during those days, but Joshua and Caleb alone had experienced it as grown men. Joshua had been faithful as a servant to Moses, faithful to spy out the land and give a good report, and faithful to lead Israel after Moses’ death. Now Joshua was faithfully preparing to take the next step in his journey, he was going the “way of all the earth,” namely, he was about to die. Yet, his final words were to encourage his people to remain faithful to the Lord, just as the Lord had been faithful to them.
Joshua is an example to all who would be faithful to the end. His last words were like the first words that the Lord had given him as Israel’s new leader, “Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9).
April 20, 2017
The physical fulfillment of this promise was unbroken until the Babylonian overthrow of Judah in 597 BC. Yet, the spiritual fulfillment always pointed to Christ, who is the “Seed of the woman” who would crush Satan’s head (Gen. 3:15), the “Seed of Abraham” through whom all nations of the earth shall be blessed (Gen. 26:4), and the “Seed of David” whom God will raise up to reign forever.
As the apostle Paul wrote, “Now to Abraham and his Seed were the promises made. He does not say, “And to seeds,” as of many, but as of one, “And to your Seed,” who is Christ” (Gal. 3:16). Jesus Christ is the promised Seed.
April 19, 2017
Having to wait for any expected good certainly affects our attitude. In this sense, the writer of this proverb accurately observed the growing despondency of the heart that waits unfulfilled. Yet, it is even more intense in the spiritual longing that we have for God. It was in this spiritual sense that many see this proverb pointing to Israel’s longing for the coming of the Desired One, the Messiah. As the Lord spoke through the prophet Haggai, “I will shake all nations, and they shall come to the Desire of All Nations, and I will fill this temple with glory,’ says the Lord of hosts” (Haggai 2:7).
Today, we experience a kind of “heart sickness” as we await the return of Christ. But we have the Holy Spirit which fills us with a confident hope that assures us of the certainty of our desire. As the apostle Paul wrote, “Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us” (Rom. 5:5).