April 18, 2017
“Shiloh” was a town located in Ephraim where the Tabernacle with the Ark was kept from the beginning of Israel’s conquest of the Promised Land until the time of Eli’s wicked sons in 1 Samuel. The name “Shiloh” was first mentioned in Jacob’s blessing over Judah and is often used synonymously for Messiah: “The scepter shall not depart from Judah, Nor a lawgiver from between his feet, Until Shiloh comes; And to Him shall be the obedience of the people” (Gen. 49:10). It comes from the word “shalom,” and has been translated to mean, “the coming of rest, the coming of peace, or place of rest.” It was at Shiloh that Joshua divided the land for the final seven tribes according to the Lord’s designation.
Now, our Shiloh has come. His name is Jesus. He is our peace with God. He is our rest.
April 17, 2017
Many come to Jesus, attracted to His person, but unwilling to admit their own spiritual bankruptcy. So it was for the RYR (“Rich Young Ruler”). He thought to add Jesus to his portfolio of good works. Yet, Jesus saw his heart. Jesus challenged him to die to his former life and leave everything behind to follow Him. This filled the RYR with sorrow, for he had great worldly wealth. It also revealed his failure to keep even the first of the ten commandments, putting his love of money ahead of his love of God.
The invitation to follow Christ is not a call to religious effort (i.e. “What shall I do?”), but a call to come and die, that you might be born again in newness of life in Christ Jesus (Rom. 6:4, 11).
April 16, 2017
Personifying the divine attributes, the psalmist wrote of a day when mercy and truth would finally meet and righteousness and peace would greet one another with a holy kiss. The result of this union would cause truth to burst like a seed from the earth and righteousness to shine down from the flung open windows of heaven.
Surely this meeting is fulfilled in Christ. For God’s mercy and truth intersected in Christ on the cross. God’s truth and holiness put Him there to die in our place and God’s love and mercy were the nails that held Him fast. God’s desire for our righteousness and for peace and reconciliation between God and humanity were met in the Messiah like a kiss, as He tasted death for us. Yet, the Truth sprang from the earth on the third day. He has flung open the windows of heaven, so that righteousness shines down on those who follow Him.
All the divine attributes are met in Christ. The Son of God was crucified, buried and raised on the third day. He is risen! Let all the earth rejoice!
April 15, 2017
The Lord is like the sun enlightening our way. He is like a shield protecting us from harm. He freely gives grace, offering His favor and friendship. He will not share His own glory, yet He gives glory to those who are His, appropriate to their state, which is the honor, beauty and blessing He bestows on the righteous, both in this life and even more so in the next. God does not withhold good from us, as some would accuse, but pours out goodness like rain on those who live according to His Word. Even that which is perceived as harm He causes to work together for the good for those that love the Lord (Rom. 8:28).
The ultimate revelation of God’s grace, glory and goodness has been revealed to us in Jesus Christ, God’s Son. Those who have believed and received the Son, have received the greatest grace, glory and goodness of God. If He does not withhold Christ from us, will He withhold any good thing?
“He who did not withhold or spare [even] His own Son but gave Him up for us all, will He not also with Him freely and graciously give us all [other] things?” (Rom. 8:32 AMP).
April 14, 2017
How big is your God?
Joshua, with all Israel bearing witness, called out to God that He would cause the sun and the moon to “stand still.” And the Lord answered his prayer. With our modern scientific knowledge, we understand the insane nature of Joshua’s request. Joshua didn’t know about gravity, the rotation of the earth, and the exact motion of the celestial bodies; therefore, he had no idea what a crazy request he had made. Yet, God lengthened the day as Joshua asked. From Joshua’s perspective, and from that of all Israel, the sun appeared to stand still.
Whether we try to interpret this as poetic expression, or attempt to explain the possible ways that God could’ve performed this miracle without breaking the solar system, one truth remains: Joshua’s God was a big God! Joshua actually believed that God could do anything. Joshua may not have known as much as we do about science, but he knew considerably more about God.
I doubt that we would even think to ask God to cause the sun to “stand still.” We try to make things easy on God. We don’t want Him to over-exert Himself. We ask for small things because we have a small God. But Joshua’s God was huge!
You can tell the size of your God by the size of your prayers.
April 13, 2017
The key to passing the faith on to the next generation is that we are faithful to give them the Word that was given to us.
Moses gave Israel the Word that the Lord had given to him. And Joshua, after Moses had died, gave the people the Word that Moses had passed to him. Joshua did not leave out a single word, but passed it on whole to all of Israel, even the “little ones” and “strangers” living with them.
We are called to do the same. As the apostle Paul instructed Timothy, “Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture…” (1 Tim. 4:13).
April 12, 2017
“Sing aloud.” Not humming softly. Not just tapping your foot to the sound in your head. “Sing aloud!” Sing the words of praise and worship to our God. Sing of His character. Sing of His works. Sing to Him by Name (“God of Jacob”). Sing and let His strength flow to and through you, that you might be filled afresh with spiritual power and joy for the day!
April 11, 2017
Jesus taught this timeless spiritual principle promoting humility over self-promotion. He illustrated the principle with a parable concerning seat selection at a wedding banquet. He observed that it would be better to take a “lowly” seat at the table and have the master elevate you to a better one, than vice versa. A corollary to this principle is “Let another man praise you, and not your own mouth” (Prov. 27:2).
April 10, 2017
The Lord commanded Joshua four times to be strong and courageous. Three times He told him in the positive (verses 6, 7 and 9), “Be strong and of good courage.” And one time in the negative, “Do not be afraid, nor dismayed” (v.9). The negative version of the command helped to reinforce and define the positive version. Each time the Lord repeated the command, He gave another supporting way for how to keep it. Here are the four supporting ways that the Lord gave Joshua to be strong and of good courage:
1) Rely on God’s power.
2) Remember God’s promises.
3) Reflect God’s precepts.
4) Rest in God’s presence.
Carefully read through Joshua 1:1-9 and see if you can discover the same four supporting ways to be strong and courageous in the Lord.
April 9, 2017
The planting and growth of the gospel is like the small, yet ultimately great growth of the mustard seed. The gospel seed was planted by Jesus into His small band of followers. It went unseen and unnoticed by most of the world at that time. Yet, before even a generation had passed, the apostles had carried the gospel throughout the Roman empire and beyond. Today, even many nations rest like birds on the branches of the gospel, supported by its work in men.
Have you received the mustard seed of the gospel? Have you planted it in your family and in your city? It always starts out small and barely seen, but it grows to have huge results!