November 3, 2015
The psalmist calls God’s people to use their words for His glory. Let others hear you giving thanks to the Lord in all things. Let them hear you saying His Name as you call upon Him in prayer and attribute all things unto Him. Proclaim His deeds to the peoples of the earth, so that every nation knows the Name of Jesus Christ as Creator, Savior, Redeemer, Sustainer and Friend. As long as you have breath, fill your mouths with words of praise and proclamation, so that everyone you meet hears of what God has done through Christ. Yes, call upon His Name and let the peoples of the earth hear you do it!
November 2, 2015
God called Ezekiel to be a prophet and a “watchman” for Israel. A “watchman” was to keep watch over the camp during the night to sound a warning should danger appear. Ezekiel’s “watchman” duties however, were to keep watch to warn his people of sin and judgment, and to give them the sure Word of God that they might repent. This was a sober calling. God warned Ezekiel that if he was silent and failed to warn someone, that not only would that person die in their sin, but their blood would be upon Ezekiel for staying silent. But while God made Ezekiel responsible for preaching to them, He did not hold him accountable for their response. If he warned them and they didn’t repent, their blood was on them. Who are the “watchmen” of this generation that God has called? What is their accountability to proclaim His Word to others?
November 1, 2015
Just as the Israelites wandered the wilderness for 40 years and died because they didn’t believe that God could give them rest in the promised land, so today unbelief keeps people from entering God’s rest. This rest is not a place, but a person, for Christ is God’s sabbath rest. Those who come to Him believing will find rest for their souls. They can stop their wandering and enter in believing.
October 31, 2015
Praying to Jesus, we do not pray to one who is distant and unaware of our feelings and temptations. He has suffered and been tempted, yet without sin. He is well acquainted with our griefs. Do not try and overcome temptation alone. Cry out to the One who knows and cares. He is the Overcomer and in Him, so are we.
October 30, 2015
This Hebrews passage is one of the four pillars of Christology (John 1, Phil. 2, and Col.1 are the other three). Here, we see His threefold office of Prophet, Priest and King revealed.
1) Prophet: “spoken to us by His Son.” He is God’s ultimate, supreme and final revelation.
2) Priest: “purged our sins.” He is both God’s great high priest and perfect sacrifice.
3) King: “heir of all… made the worlds… brightness of His glory… express image… upholding all… right hand of Majesty.” He is owner, creator, God of very God, sustainer and king.
This is whom we have believed and received. This is our Redeemer and Friend, Jesus Christ. There is no other name by which we may be saved (Acts 4:12). Worship Him!
October 29, 2015
Lamentations was written to “lament” (to grieve and mourn) the destruction of Jerusalem by the prophet Jeremiah. It calls the remnant of Judah to “cry out” to the Lord in their distress. Like the book of Job, it puzzles over the results of evil and suffering in the world. But unlike Job, which dealt with apparently undeserved evil, Jeremiah lamented a suffering that was of the people’s own making. It is a difficult book to read. Yet, it reminds us of our need to genuinely repent of sin and the suffering that inevitably follows. It calls us to lament over sin’s consequence and to beg God’s forgiveness, mercy and restoration. Only those who have hit life’s bottom seem to understand this lament of Jeremiah. Only those who are ready to “cry out in the night” find that these words give expression to the state of their hearts.
October 28, 2015
Paul instructed Titus to teach the Cretan Christians in how to live before men, so that the gospel might be seen in them. Apparently, believers on this Greek island were not living lives that lined up with their faith. They were no different than the culture around them. Even the name, “Cretan,” was proverbial for being lazy and a liar (Tit.1:12). Therefore, they were to start being known for being submissive and obedient, to being good workers and peaceable, gentle, and humble to all. In other words, they were to show forth the Jesus that lived within them to those who lived around them. What are Christians in our generation known for?
October 27, 2015
Have you ever tried separating fighting dogs? Chances are even your own dog will accidentally bite you. You may have meant to be the peacemaker, but now you’re part of the dog fight. Similarly, be careful about “meddling” in someone else’s quarrel. Unsolicited advice is rarely welcome. Of course, there are times when intervention is required, as when a weaker party is being bullied or at risk of being harmed. Even in this, the parable provides a wise caution. Entering the fray may mean that both combatants turn on you. Do so with your eyes wide open. The Bible does teach “blessed are the peacemakers” (Matt.5:9). But be aware that peacemakers are often bitten by the ones they sought to help.
October 26, 2015
Seventy years later this prophecy was fulfilled as Cyrus came from the North and destroyed Babylon. The latter part of the prophecy, that no one would live there again, is still true over 2,400 years later. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, but now there is only desert in its place. It is said that Saddam Hussein planned to rebuild Babylon anew in his modern Iraq, yet the sand still blows over the supposed site. God’s Word continues to stand, but Babylon has fallen never to rise again.
October 25, 2015
Paul’s final charge to Timothy: “Preach the word!” Pastors wear many hats, but preaching is job number one. And not just preaching anything, but preaching the Word of God. Not politics or philosophy, nor self-help tips, but Word proclaiming, Christ-centered, gospel preaching. Pastors are to “be ready.” This means they are to prepare. To study and pray, so that they are always prepared to preach. They are to use every tool in an effective communcator’s toolbox to proclaim the Word which is able to lead people to salvation. Their preaching is to be “convincing” (using argumentation, persuasion), “rebuking” (correcting sin, illustration), and “exhorting” (application, calling out) and this with great patience and a willingness to teach and explain. Do you support the preaching of the Word?