August 20, 2015
In Paul’s chapter on why love is the greatest gift, he explains that the gifts of prophecy, tongues and knowledge will pass away. While love will never end, these three gifts will no longer be needed. Why? Because prophecy will be fulfilled, language will no longer be confused (Gen. 11:7), and knowledge will become experience. Recently, someone asked whether we would know one another in heaven. The answer we see here is clear: Yes, we “shall know” just as we are “known.” And most wonderful of all, we shall finally be “face to face” with the One who saved us, Christ Jesus our Lord!
August 19, 2015
The orphaned Esther won King Xerxes’ beauty contest and was crowned as his queen. She went from being a Jewish orphan to a Persian queen. Yet, her cousin, Mordecai, who had raised her as his own when her parents died, asked her not to forget her people and to consider God’s purpose for her new position. When God elevates us to a new job or position, we should always consider how we might use it as a platform for doing His will. “Who knows?” Perhaps God put you just where you are today, so that you might tell someone about the One who can rescue them from sin and death.
August 18, 2015
The apostle Paul’s teaching concerning the Lord’s Supper was faithfully passed on from the Lord to the church at Corinth. Paul reminded them that his authority as an apostle came from the Lord, as did his message. Having established his credibility, he corrected the unworthy practices of the Corinthians concerning their remembrance of the Supper. His desire was that they handle it with the same discernment with which he had given it to them, always recognizing the Lord’s body and blood, broken and shed for their redemption. Paul used this same “received/delivered” phrase in 1 Cor. 15:3 concerning the gospel. He recognized his calling to pass on intact and unchanged that which was given to him. Are we delivering the faith to the next generation just as we received it?
August 17, 2015
Headship is a biblical title of relational authority. It is a beautiful word that unfortunately rubs many of our generation the wrong way. In 1 Corinthians 11, the apostle Paul was trying to restore God-honoring order to their worship services, which had fallen into disarray. He reminded them that Christ is the perfect picture of headship and submission. As the Head of the Church, He lay down His life as a sacrifice for sin and will one day return to receive her as His bride. At the same time, Christ did all of this in submission to the Father, who is His head. They are coequal, yet the Son always submits to the Father. In like manner, those who would lead in worship must submit to appropriate headship and lead as servant-leaders. Clearly, men and women are to follow the order of creation and the intent of the Father in this. God’s Word, not human culture should be the “head” of how we worship.
August 16, 2015
David wrote this psalm during a low period in his life. While hiding from King Saul who sought to kill him, he stooped to playing the madman to escape the Philistine king, Abimelech. Yet, in spite of all of his afflictions, no bones were broken. Clearly, David must have borrowed this turn of phrase from the instructions given in the law concerning the Passover lamb, which was to be sacrificed without breaking any bones. Both the Passover lamb and David are Christological types, preparing us for the Righteous One, who was sacrificed for our sins, yet not one of His bones was broken.
August 15, 2015
After the rebuilding of the wall surrounding Jerusalem there was great enthusiasm for God’s Word and for the giving of tithes and offerings. The people willingly and joyfully entered into a covenant to be faithful in these things. Yet, before the walls were rebuilt, the people were filled with doubt and fear, resulting in neglect of God’s house. What was it about the broken down wall that caused their neglect? And what was it about the rebuilt wall that helped them refocus their priorities, putting God first?
August 14, 2015
Being a gospel preacher or missionary is a faith venture. The call to ministry is answered with no salary guarantee. The apostle Paul had preached the gospel to the people of Corinth, yet never asked for payment. He worked night and day making tents, so he could offer the gospel freely. However, other preachers had come to Corinth claiming superior status and demanding payment. Apparently, these preachers disparaged Paul’s credibility as an apostle, so that he had to remind the Corinthians that he was the one who had first led them to faith. In America today, a very small minority of “preachers” profit from the gospel message giving a bad name to the office. However, the vast majority of true gospel preachers struggle as Paul did trying to survive on meager offerings, while at the same time trying to train up new believers to support the very ministry which led them to eternal life. Do you support those who preach the gospel?
August 13, 2015
A leader learns when to say “Yes” and when to say “No.” In fact, learning when to say “No” may be one of the most important leadership traits, as many leaders struggle with being people-pleasers. Great leaders let their God-given vision determine when to say “Yes” or “No.” This guards them against being stopped or slowed by their detractors, no matter how influential the naysayers may be. Nehemiah knew that he was “doing a great work” that was given to him by God. He didn’t have time for critics who weren’t helping with the work. Especially since he knew that they were against the work itself. Saying “No” to those things that don’t contribute to God’s calling on your life makes room in your life for saying “Yes” to those things that truly matter.
August 12, 2015
Nehemiah led a volunteer workforce to rebuild the wall surrounding Jerusalem, while at the same time facing dissension from within and opposition from without. Yet, he challenged the people to remember two things: 1) Remember the awesome greatness of the God upon Whom you depend and 2) Realize that you will have to be ready to fight for your families according to His strength. This is a good two-part reminder for us today. Remember the Lord and fearlessly fight for your families!
August 11, 2015
Have you ever felt as David did when he wrote this psalm? You’re crying out to God in prayer, but you don’t feel His presence? Perhaps this dark night of the soul has come in order to increase your thirst for the Lord. It causes you to grow in awareness of your ultimate dependence on God. And this has become more acute as you desire to hear His voice and experience His touch. When we pray like this what may have begun as a litany of requests becomes a singular desire: “God, I only want You!”